Spells are a type of magic in the game Elden Rings. There are various types of mantras with their respective functions.
In the game Elden Rings there are spells that are useful for healing, restoring magic effects, dealing damage, or controlling people or weapons.
So, in this article we will focus on discussing the 10 spells with the highest damage in Elden Ring.
If you don't know yet, then you must read the following explanation and then try it!
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10 Spells with the Highest Damage in Elden Ring

Some of the spells that we mention below are the 10 most effective spells for you to use for both PvP and PvE.
Apart from that, we will also explain how to get and how to use these ten spells. Check out the following explanation:
Lightning Strike

Lightning Strike is attack type spell. This spell has the highest damage in the Elden Ring game and is most suitable for use in PvE and combat PvP in the Elden Rings.
To use this spell you can combine 28 Faith and 21 FP. This way you can produce yellow lightning strikes from the sky.
This attack has a reasonable range, meaning it is not too wide but has a high level of damage.
You can use Lightning Strike repeatedly when fighting bosses, and groups of enemies.
The Lightning Strike attack is less effective at hitting only one enemy.
This spell is the best way to attack large enemies or large numbers of enemies.
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Pest Threads

The next spell that you can use when fighting PvP or PvE is Pest Threads.
This spell is quite commonly used by Elden Ring players and maybe you have encountered its use several times.
To compose this spell you only need 11 Faith and 19 FP Cost. This spell is very effective for launching long-range attacks on enemies.
This spell is shaped like a small missile that comes out of the user's body.
Pest Threads are quite effective for attacking large bosses. The advantage of using this spell is that you can attack enemies from a safe distance.
The level of damage caused by this spell is still inferior to Lightning Strike.
To get this spell you can go to a place called Gaury's Shack. There you will meet an NPC who is ready to teach you this spell.
Swarm of Flies

As the name suggests, this spell takes the form of a swarm of vicious flies that can injure the enemy.
This group of flies will move in the specified direction and then produce a small explosion when they reach their destination.
Even though it takes the form of a very small group of flies, you can use this spell to kill large enemies.
The way to do this is to activate the spell repeatedly and direct it at the object you want.
This spell has extraordinary damage, you can activate it with 11 Faith, 16 Arcane, 14 FP Cost.
You can learn to master this spell at Moghwyn Palace. On the way you will meet two caves and enter the second cave.
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Black Blade

The Black Blade spell comes from the soul of the Malacath boss you defeated. From this battle you will get the soul of the boss and can exchange it for the Black Blade spell.
To activate it you need 46 Faith and 26 FP Cost. The creation of this spell will use two storage slots, it is comparable to the power generated from the Black Blade.
When using this spell your character will attack the enemy with the red Malacath sword.
This ability is extraordinary, because even if you use a sword the resulting attack is long range.
But this long-range attack only applies to the second attack after the first attack at close range hits the enemy.
The damage caused by this spell is sustainable, once the enemy is slashed, the enemy will slowly lose HP. And when that happens you can attack him again from a distance with the Black Blade spell.
Ekzykes' Decay

There are two options to get the Ekzykes' Decay spell. First, you can defeat Ekzykes first.
But if you are too lazy to face this battle, you can exchange Rotten Breath to have this spell.
This spell is useful for summoning a dragon's head that exhales foul breath. The dragon's breath has a very wide attack range.
This dragon spell is very useful for you when facing big battles. You can visit Cathedral of Dragon Communion to buy Rotten Breath to get the spell without defeating Ekzykes.
Ekzykes Decay requires 23 Faith and 15 Arcane. Meanwhile, to get Rotten Breath you need 15 Faith and 12 Arcane.
Frenzied Burst

This spell allows the character to emit fire from the eyes which is very difficult for the enemy to avoid. To activate this spell you need 22 Faith.
Frenzied Burst is suitable for you to use during PvP battles. You can find this spell in Liurnia of the Lakes, specifically at Church of Inhibition.
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Giantsflame Take Thee

Giantsflame Take Thee is the best spell for those of you who like to use fire attacks. This spell costs 13,000 Runes and requires 30 Faith.
The attack produced by this spell is in the form of a large fireball that can explode. This spell is suitable for you to use in various combat situations because the damage is very high.
To be able to use this spell you need the Giant Prayer Book obtained from Guardian Arghanthy. Find this book near the Mountaintops of the Giants located to the west Whiteridge Road Site of Grace.
Crucible Breath

With this spell you can produce golden flames from a bow. You can charge it to sustain the attack longer.
Obtain this power by defeating Rykard then completing the Volcano Manor mission and traveling back to kill Tanith.
Obtaining this spell requires a series of combat actions. Meanwhile, for the Crucible Breath spell you need 27 Faith.
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Wrath of Gold

This spell produces an attack in the form of a shock wave with a wide radius that can blow away enemies. To activate it, you need 40 FP and 32 Faith.
Before getting Wrath of Gold you have to go to the Wormfaces forest on the Altus plateau. To the east of Minor Erdtree you will find a ruin.
After arriving at the ruins, hit the floor several times, then there will be stairs that lead you to the Wrath of Gold Incantation.
Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike

The next Elden Ring spell that has high damage is Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike. To be able to use this spell, you must find the Dragon Prayer Book near the Crumbling Beast Grace Site of Grace.
Give the Dragon Prayer Book to Miriel or Chortyn to get the Lightning Strike Incantation.
After that you will see red lightning in a circle surrounding the character. Activating Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike requires 26 Faith.
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