
    Digital Products

Order Completed

If the seller confirms the order has been sent, the order status will also change to Already sent and the countdown time for order confirmation will appear, or the buyer can confirm the order by pressing the button Order Accepted available in the order details where the balance will be immediately passed on to the seller.

VCGamers provides an order confirmation time limit according to the Category/Brand purchased and can be seen in the countdown time available in the order details.

If the buyer does not confirm the purchase after the specified time limit, the order will be automatically completed with the balance passed to the seller.

For this reason, always ensure that the order has been received properly after the order status changes to Already sent before confirming the order has been received or the order has been completed automatically so you can submit it complain If there are problems with the order, the balance will not be immediately passed to the seller until the problem is resolved.

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