Bastion Overwatch Profile, Hero Damage from Ironclad Guild

Bastion Overwatch

Overwatch has 37 heroes with different unique roles and abilities. One of them is Bastion Overwatch, a Hero from the Ironclad Guild.

There are three roles heroes in Overwatch namely Tank, Damage, and Support. Bastion itself is included in the Damage category.

As heroes damage, Bastion has the task of finding, attracting, and defeating enemies using the various equipment and powers they have. By playing as this role, you must have strong skills.

This article will discuss Bastion Overwatch's profile, abilities, and interesting trivia about this robot. For those of you who don't know Bastion, let's find out more below!

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Bastion Overwatch profile

Bastion Overwatch profile
Bastion Overwatch profile. Source: PlayOverwatch/Youtube

Bastion is the name for a robot troop unit that has the unique power to reconfigure themselves into modes assaultcanon. This robot army was originally created with the aim of maintaining peace.

However, during the Omnic crisis, they all turned against their creators. Bastion formed a group of rebel Omnic soldiers so that almost all of these robot units were destroyed or dismantled.

Until now, the Bastion unit has become a symbol of the horrors of the Omnic crisis conflict. Bastion himself was programmed to carry out a mission to attack Stuttgart together with his unit, but this robot was badly damaged during the fight.

Deep in the Black Forest near Eichenwalde, he was forgotten for more than a decade. At that time, moss and grass had covered the robot and made it hard to recognize.

One day, Ganymede made a nest on Bastion's right shoulder and accidentally activated this robot. With the same program to destroy Suttgart, he starts his journey towards the city while admiring the surroundings.

Bastion Overwatch - Ganymede (1)
Ganymede. Source: PlayOverwatch/Youtube

Bastion became close to Ganymede and even offered a branch to build a sizable nest for. However, the tapping sound of the woodpecker startles the robot and reminds it of gunshots.

Bastion suddenly switches to assault-canon mode and fires bullets indiscriminately, scaring Ganymede and destroying the surrounding trees.

After controlling himself, Bastion saw a Ganymede nest that had been destroyed on the ground. He realized what he was doing and sadly continued on towards his destination.

While in the meadow between Stuttgart and the forest, Bastion looked back into the forest. As he started walking again, his foot tripped over a destroyed Bastion robot unit.

Before long, he realized that there were many other robots that had been destroyed and scattered across the meadow. Bastion then accesses the last memory of the unit.

Bastion finds himself in the middle of the battle and sees his unit mates fighting off German soldiers before being crushed by Balderich von Adler.

Omnic Wars
Omnic Wars. Source: PlayOverwatch/Youtube

With renewed clarity of purpose, Bastion returned to his war protocol. He was ready to march back towards Stuttgart to launch a frontal attack.

But before he could go any further, Ganymede found him again and landed on Bastion. He carried a stick as a sign of friendship with Bastion as he had done before.

Bastion Overwatch - Ganymede (2)
Ganymede brought a twig for Bastion. Source: PlayOverwatch/Youtube

Bastion, who was having trouble with himself, returned to peace. Placing the branch on his shoulder, he headed back into the forest with Ganymede in his fingers.

Overwatch's Bastion ability

Bastion Overwatch - Tank Configuration
Skill Configuration Tank Bastion Overwatch. Source: PlayOverwatch/Youtube

Bastion Overwatch has the ability to transform from Assault mode, Recon and the destructive Artillery configuration which makes this robot equipped with high damage. Here is a list of abilities from Bastion:

  • Ironclad – Reduced the damage received during transformation by 20%
  • Configuration: Recon – Bastion becomes fully mobile, equipped with a submachine gun that can fire rounds at medium ranges
  • Reconfigure – Transform between its two main battle modes to adapt on the battlefield. After 1.5 seconds of performing one configuration, ammunition from the other configuration will be reloaded automatically
  • Configuration: Tank – Bastion becomes a slow-moving tank with a powerful swivel gun
  • A-36 tactical grenades – Fires a bomb that will bounce and explode when it hits an opponent or falls to the ground.
  • Configuration Artillery – Bastion is immobile and can fire up to three powerful artillery shells

Bastion is a hero with two main forms. The original form of this robot is bipedal which can move with a light machine gun while the second form is a turret which is not easy to move.

The turret made by Bastion is one of the high damage dealers in this game with the ability to destroy shields and strong heroes. It's a shame that Bastion was unable to give a shot critical on his opponent.

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LEGO Overwatch Bastion
LEGO Bastion Overwatch. Source: PlayOverwatch/Youtube

Here are interesting trivia that you must know about Bastion Overwatch:

  • Bastion Portrait is available in Star Craft II for those who purchased the Origins edition of the game
  • There are several dead Bastions on the Eichenwalde map as seen in the short The Last Bastion animation
  • The unit on the Eichenwalde map is labeled B73
  • Bastion appeared in the early sets of the LEGO Overwatch games
  • The ZER ZER EE NUM sound line is based on direct references from the Terminator series

So, that's the article about the Bastion Overwatch profile. Is this damage hero from the Ironclad Guild your favorite character in Overwatch?

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