Tips for playing TPP PUBG Mobile very necessary for you. Because currently tournament modes such as PMPL and PMGC are more towards TPP Mode.
Before discussing thoroughly the tips for playing TPP PUBG Mobile. We will dig further What is TPP?
TPP (Third Point Perspective) is the Standard Mode from PUBG Mobile or other FPS (First Point Shooter) games with a wider camera range and uses a third-person perspective.
TPP is very flexible. Players can do a lot of things and there are many advantages and disadvantages when you use the TPP.
So, after you know the meaning of tpp pubg mobile. So, below we will discuss tips on playing TPP on PUBG Mobile.
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Tips for Playing TPP PUBG Mobile

There are 2 kinds of gameplay modes that you can use, namely FPP (First Point Perspective) where you use a first-person perspective and TPP (Third Point Perspective) using a third-person perspective. The two kinds of gameplay modes are very different. Because when you play FPP you have to be more careful because the difficulty level is very high. TPP leads to a tactical game.
Already familiar with the 2 gameplay modes, here are the TPP PUBG Mobile tips.
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Look Around

The first tip is that you have to know and see the circumstances around you. Because this third-person perspective is very easy for your opponent to find you. You also have to be more careful with the use of this mode.
You should always look at the map and communicate when there are several signs such as gunshots, car sounds, steps and explosions. Make sure you prioritize Map Awareness.
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Set Sensitivity

The next tip is to set your sensitivity as comfortable as possible. Don't look at the sensitivity of other players as a benchmark. Because it will be very different from other people. It would be better if you set some scopes and also the free look.
So that you can easily find opponents and by adjusting this sensitivity can be a good thing to minimize mistakes.
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Play Aggressive

Good PUBG Mobile players certainly understand that playing aggressively is a must. You have to practice a lot in Training Mode. Make sure, you have to be able to explore several weapons as an option. Because most PUBG Mobile players still prioritize M4 as their main weapon.
PUBG Mobile players must be able to find a way to replace the M4 weapon. Can be from SMG, Shotgun, and other Assault Rifles. You should also be able to find ways to improvise your gameplay so that it develops more. Make sure, you have to play with a team so that it is more compact and frequent WWCD (Winner Winner Chicken Dinner).
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Turn up AIM

Harden up your AIM and definitely train in classic and TDM (Team Death Match). This really helps you in polishing your AIM. So, in this exercise, of course you have confirmed the things above, yes, such as your sensitivity and gameplay that must be changed.
Don't be passive in playing PUBG Mobile. You have to be able to find a way of doing it. That is, when there is an enemy you try to shoot even though the bullets don't know where to spread. Keep practicing until you can increase the flying hours of the player. Playing mechanics is now a must for PUBG Mobile players
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Set Tempo
The last tip for playing TPP PUBG Mobile is to set your tempo in trying to play even more tactically. So, you don't need to rush to kill or rush. Set your tempo and often look at the mini map. This is certainly very helpful for you in channeling your game sense or macro in the PUBG Mobile game.
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PUBG Mobile players often use TPP Mode because TPP is preferred for Tournaments. Because it is very easy and efficient in its use. Of course, there are currently a lot of Pro players in this mode. To minimize this you have to prioritize the macro and micro. So, those are the Tips for Playing TPP PUBG Mobile version VCGamers. Hopefully Helpful for all of you!