Below are the top 5 features that set Karakin apart PUBG from another map in the PUBG game. These features might be added to other maps but they will need a major overhaul.
Karakin PUBG is the fifth map released by Krafton with a series of exciting new features that no other map in this game has.
It is expected that Karakin PUBG will be ported for PUBG Mobile soon, during the upcoming patch. In this article, we will list five unique features of Karakin PUBG and how they affect the gameplay in general.
Interesting Features of the PUBG Karakin Map

Karakin PUBG is the smallest map with a modest size of 2×2 square kilometers. With a map size 16 times smaller than Erangel, you can expect to be fighting as soon as you land, regardless of the landing location.
Therefore, luck would play a bigger role in the fight. If you manage to get your hands on ranged weapons early, the chances of survival increase dramatically higher.
To compensate, the PUBG developers have even increased the AR spawn rate for this map.
64 Player Classic Mode And Panzerfault

64 players is still too many, with a much smaller map than the usual PUBG battlefield. This is yet another attempt to balance the game, as PUBG's Karakin may have reached a critical threshold for player numbers. You will definitely be able to increase your score faster by playing this map.
Panzerfault is a new rocket launcher available on Karakin. This launcher can destroy a complete building with a player inside.
However, you have to be careful when using the Panzerfaust launcher. The rocket launcher has a boomerang explosion that can knock down any teammate standing behind the player using the Panzerfust in the game.
Underground Bunkers

This will be the first map with three height levels, both tall buildings on the surface and underground bunkers and tunnels. This is known as the “tunnel of smugglers”.
Not every bunker has tunnels and not all tunnels are connected to each other. Battles in these tunnels were often quite ugly, due to the cramped nature and lack of cover.
These bunkers are scattered throughout the location, and you can use them to access various underground tunnels.
However, some of these bunkers are functional while some are inactive. You can distinguish active underground bunkers with the help of flags placed outside the bunkers.
Breakable Walls And Floors

You can make their own shortcuts through walls and floors using sticky bombs. In turn, creating another level of strategy.
Because you can use this to flank enemies at unexpected angles. Some walls can even be penetrated, you can even kill if the enemy is hiding right behind them.
Sticky bombs are also one of the most interesting features of Karakin PUBG. You can use sticky bombs for various purposes, such as breaking through thin walls or opening underground bunkers that are found throughout the map. You can carry up to 18 sticky bombs in your backpack.
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Black Zone

The black zone on Karakin is even more dangerous than the red zone. They can even destroy buildings.
You will be forced out of cover immediately to their enemy's camping location. This further increases the speed and action of combat on Karakin.
In Karakin PUBG, a new zone named Black Zone has been added. This zone is different from the red zone in other maps such as Erangel and Miramar.
The Black Zone in Karakin PUBG can destroy entire buildings and drop or kill players inside. So, you have to be careful not to get stuck in the black zone. You are advised to evacuate yourself from the building to stay safe.
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