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How to pay via BSI Virtual Account

How to pay via the BSI Mobile Application

  1. Insert your BSI ATM card
  2. Enter PIN
  3. Select the “Payment” Menu
  4. Select Your BSI Account Number
  5. Select the menu “Institutions
  6. Enter the name of the institution Xendit (code 9347)
  7. Enter Virtual Account Number without following
  8. institution code
  9. Example: 988619428280
  10. Confirm your transaction details
  11. Enter transaction authentication/token
  12. Congratulations, your transaction has been successful.

Please check your transaction details!

How to pay via BSI Internet Banking

  1. Open the site
  2. Enter User ID and Password
  3. Select Menu “Payment
  4. Select your BSI Account Number
  5. Select the menu “Institutions
  6. Enter the name of the institution Xendit (code 9347)
  7. Enter Virtual Account Number without following
  8. institution code (without first 4 digits)
  9. Example: 988619428280
  10. Confirm your transaction details
  11. Enter transaction authentication/token
  12. Congratulations, your payment has been successful.

Please check your transaction details!

How to pay via BSI ATM

  1. Insert your BSI ATM card
  2. Enter PIN
  3. Select the menu “Payment/Purchase
  4. Select the menu “Institutions
  5. Enter BSI VA code Virtual Account Number
  6. Example: 9347xxxxxxxxxx
  7. Details displayed: NIM, Name, & Total
  8. Bill
  9. Confirm your transaction & payment details
  10. Congratulations, your payment has been successful.

Please check your transaction details!

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