Reasons Why Shadow Fiend Heroes Are Chosen During TI 11 Dota 2!

Shadow Fiend Hero Dota TI 11

Again The International (TI) 11 provides a new surprise! After crowds Undying and Marci as support, now Shadow Fiend is also a pretty much chosen hero at TI 11.

What do you think is the reason Shadow Fiend frequently appears at TI this time?

Also Read: Prediction of 5 Esports Teams That Will Win The International (TI) 11

Reasons for Shadow Fiend as the Most Chosen Hero at TI 11

Shadow Fiend Hero Dota TI 11
Shadow Fiend Eternal Harvest loading screen. Source: Dota 2

Shadow Fiends or Nevermore currently occupying second position as the “most picked hero” with a total of 35 matches. While in first place is Marci with a total of 39 matches.

This number can still increase, considering that currently it is still in the stage Group Stage Day-3. There still is Group Stage Day-4 and also Main Stage.

Back to the topic, roughly, what's the reason? Previously the author had written a reason why article Marci has the potential to become the most chosen Hero. But after doing some research, it's pretty clear why.

Also Read: The International (TI) 11 Hero Prediction and All the Reasons!

Buff Over the Back Three Patches

Shadow Fiend Update List. Source: Liquipedia.

Slightly different from other heroes, since Patch 7.27, Shadow Fiend always gets a positive status buff or rework. The highlight is when Patch 7.32, he got a very good rework and additional status.

One of which is first skills as well as the main damage, Shadowraze, which can provide stack slow movement speed and damage. So after giving burst magical damage, you can spam basic attacks.

The final example is Scepter. With Aghanim's Scepter, cooldown ultimate Shadow Fiends, Requirements of Souls, will decrease by 30 seconds!

Pretty Easy Hero

Shadowraze Shadow Fiend's First Skill. Source: VCGamers.

In the games, Shadow Fiend included as Hero Nuker and carry with a level of complexity of two out of three. His role status is also very to the point if he is a midlaner.

To use this hero, you have to pay attention to two things:  Last Hits and Cast Range.

Previously, there were two passive skills belonging to Shadow Fiend that you should remember.  Necromastery as both skills and Presence of the Dark Lord as third skills.

Necromastery will provide additional damage every time you do Last Hits. Meanwhile, Presence of the Dark Lord will give an aura debuffs in the form of reduced Armor.

For Cast Range this is related to his first skill, Shadowraze. It has three different ranges that you can use sequentially. You have to practice a lot to always be on point.

Burst Damage > Status or Debuff

Shadow Fiend Hero Dota TI 11
Ultimate Shadow Fiend Requirem of Souls. Source: VCGamers.

Shadow Fiend might not be as good Midlaner others like Lina, Zeus, or Invoker which can give a lot of status debuffs. But when it comes to cooldown and amount of damage, Shadow Fiend is the most superior.

For the Shadowraze skill, Shadow Fiend only needs a cooldown of 10 seconds. Moreover, you can combo with Ultimate.  Requirements of Souls (gives the debuff Fear)+ three skills Shadowraze.

The main problem with Shadow Fiend is probably the counter. It can be countered by many heroes. But it seems balanced with his ability to collect Last Hit. Last Hit = Gold.

Also, Shadow Fiend can always get extra gold from enemy assists. Even if it's the one who kills Carry Safelaner, but want to be able to get assists because of the aura of Presence of the Dark Lord. Easy gold.

Shadow Fiend's Final Reason at TI 11: Late Game = More Powerful

Shadow Fiend Hero Dota TI 11
Talent Tree and Aghanim's Buff Shadow Fiend. Source: Dota 2

Shadow Fiend is a snowball hero, the longer it is, the stronger it is. Like the photo above, there is an explanation of the Talent Tree and Aghanim's Buff.

All status additions from the Talent Tree are very, very profitable. Choose the right or left, the result will be similar. What benefited him the most was the level 25 talent on the right side. Shadowraze's 5 second cooldown reduction allows you to spam skills!

Those are some of the reasons why Shadow Fiend is being chosen a lot nowadays. In fact, it's possible that Shadow Fiend will be the winner of the “Most Picked Hero” category at TI this time.

So, do you want to try playing it? Enjoy playing~

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