Patch 7.23c DOTA 2 packs a lot of changes to the Dota 2 game. Along with a lot of map changes like removing temples and relocating outposts, the patch also dramatically changes a lot of items and balances a lot of heroes.
The developers have changed the neutral and purchasable items to make the meta more stable. However, various hero changes have spawned several good hero choices for carry positions in the current meta. In this article, you can find the top heroes who dominate the meta and are the kings of safe lanes.
List of the Best Carry Heroes in Patch 7.23c DOTA 2
In the latest patch, you can use some of the carry heroes below. That way, you can win the game.
Monkey King

Monkey King was probably a bad hero to choose in previous patches. He got a slight buff in patch 7.23c with base armor increased by 1 and a level 15 talent buff to increase Jingu Mastery damage from +75 to +100.
Nobody picks heroes in the professional Dota scene. However, the hero has made a comeback in the current meta. Mostly because it's great against popular offlane heroes like Mars and Centaur.
Monkey King can create several different builds to adapt to game situations. This hero is also decent in team fights and online early in the game.
The core items of this hero include Phase Boots, Echo Saber, Maelstrom and BKB. One can craft damage items like Desolator or MKB depending on the game. Late game items include the Abyssal Blade, Assault Cuirass, and other core items depending on the game.
It's also worth noting that Monkey King is great with players who know the heroes and their ins and outs well. Players who are new to this hero may struggle with it.

Riki is another very underrated hero in the previous patch. That has changed with this patch as the hero has received a well deserved buff making him worthy once again.
This hero got a buff in patch 7.23c DOTA 2 which increased movement speed from 315 to 320, HP regeneration increased from 2 to 3 and also received a damage buff on the ability 'Tricks Of The Trade'.

Lifestealer is naturally a good counter for heroes with immobile powers. Heroes like Mars, Axe, Centaur cannot trade against Lifestealers and almost always lose the laning phase. Even though Lifestealer was nerfed in the previous patch, this hero is still very strong.
Lifestealer has a win-rate of 52.87 percent which is not bad considering he was nerfed. The choice of items for this hero is quite easy, Phase Boots, Maelstrom to Mjolnir, Basher to Abyssal Blade and Damage items including Desolator, Daedalus and MKB. Situational items such as Heaven's Helbert, Bloodthorn, and Linken Sphere are also popular.

It is decisive that Razor will become a meta hero with the appearance of the right click attack on heroes like Lifestealer and Monkey King.
It's also no surprise that the hero wins most of the fights and dominates the offlane heroes. The hero eats melee offlane cores with his Static Link ability and goes online with his ult
Razor has a respectable 51.92 percent win rate. The item choices for these heroes are Phase boots/ Power treads depending on the enemy hero and game needs, Sange and Yasha/ Manta, BKB, Butterfly, and Satanic. Situational items include Drum of Endurance and Aghanims.
Also read: Tips for Becoming a Dota 2 Offlaner When Ranked
Phantom Lancers

IceFrog used a nerf hammer on Phantom Lancer in patch 7.24, reducing his level 15 talent health bonus from +275 Health to +250 and his level 25 talent from -6s Doppelganger Cooldown to -5s.
However, this change has little effect on the hero. He has a healthy win rate of 51.61 percent and is one of the most annoying picks for opponents.
Phantom Lancer has very healthy laning stages and a strong mid-game. Heroes only need core items to go online.
The core items on this hero are Power Treads, Diffusal Blade and Manta. End game items include Heart of Tarrasque, Butterfly, Eye of Skadi and Abyssal Blade.
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Those were the five best carry heroes for the 7.23c DOTA 2 patch. For cheap and reliable gaming top ups in Indonesia, just top up at VCGamers!