Got Mentally Playing MLBB? Check out the 3 Best Tips to Overcome This Problem!

Got Mental Playing MLBB

Aloha Vicigers! Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) is one of MOB gamesA is the most played. This game has also penetrated almost all ages. Children, youth and adults. For now, this game already has professional leagues in several countries.

Including in Indonesia. Because of the many groups and people who play, new terms often come out of people who play this game.

Both terms are often used by the Pro Player as well as terms that are often used for people who play with their friends.

One of the terms that often appears is “hit mentally”. This term is often said by players to their opponents when they often die because they lose duels or their team loses. it is often referred to as psywar during the game and it has become commonplace.

Not only for esport branches, psywar for other sports such as football, badminton, basketball and other sports, the term psywar is already familiar.

Basically psywar this is a way to drop the opponent's mentality, which can cause the opponent's performance to decrease and play poorly. Likewise deep games this, the term is very often given especially for those who have become pro player.

Are you one of those people who are easily affected by mental illness? Relax, here's an explanation of "mentally hit" and several ways to overcome it.

Factors Causing "Getting Mental"

Become Target of Enemy

When you become a target for the enemy team, you will definitely experience fear. Fear in this case means that you are afraid of being wrong and afraid of death and are afraid of other things that are at risk for your team.

When you experience this, of course your fear affects your gameplay. Especially Mobile Legends game: Bang Bang This is a team game where when one of the players is underperforming, it will also affect the team's play.

An Enemy Using an Annoying Hero

Heroes that sucks like this Benedetta, Hayabusa, Selena, Claude, or Uranus. Heroes in is heroes whose job is to get in and out of teamfight and mess up your team but heroes this is hard to kill.

Usually you will tend to be annoyed and lazy when there is a battle going on heroes the. If you are annoyed and lazy, you can get mentally and passionately to kill the hero.

Besides, you can become the butt of the enemy team and die ridiculously because you're just annoyed.

Quipped by the opposing team

This factor usually occurs when you are doing fight with the enemy 1 VS 1. Then you lose and the opposing team gives emoticons or a satirical word referring to you.

This can make you annoyed and return to being aggressive and lusting to kill the hero. When this happens, it will be boomerang for the team and for yourself. So don't get instigated by the opposing team!

Because basically these factors are to disturb your concentration so that you play under your usual performance.

How to Overcome When You Have "Got Mental"

Swap Lane with Teammates

This is done specifically for the sideliner who feel that their hero power is no longer strong and overwhelmed. Don't be shy about asking your teammates to change lanes because this is also for the good of your team.

Avoid Fighting If You Lose Gold/Exp

You certainly have to know the position and situation of the enemy. You can see too gold and exp opponent. So just estimate whether you are strong to face it or not.

Don't die silly because you already know you will lose but you are forced to fight. gold in this MLBB game it is very influential for the running of a team and team battles.

It's better to focus first on acquisition gold you and when it is possible to fight then do so with the right timing.

Mute Chat

Mute Chat

The last thing is to disable the chat from the opponent. As previously explained, usually your opponent will only disturb your concentration so that you play badly.

This method can be done so that you and your team can be more focused and don't care about what your opponent says. So don't get distracted.

Those are some ways to overcome "getting mentally hit", stay enthusiastic and focused on your game so that your team can be proud and can win!

Also Read: Be Careful! Trash Talking Affects MLBB Winning!

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