Total Loot in Miramar and Erangel, how much is there?

Miramar and Erangel

Size Folder Miramar and Eragel

Miramar and Erangel are the two largest maps in Battle Royale Games PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds).

The size of both is the same, which reaches 8 x 8 km. However, in fact the Miramar map has a wider space for players PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, where the venue has a percentage of land area of 80% so most of the arena is playable on land.

Meanwhile, the Erangel map has more water areas covering up to 50% than the area of the existing game arena.

Miramar and Erangel

The Miramar and Erangel maps both have a percentage of 30% for areas covered with trees, bushes, or grass.

Amount Loot who is in Erangel

As folder first one in PUBG (Player Unknown's Battlegrounds), this map is definitely one of those folder favorite for PUBG players.

A location full of trees and bushes is of course a mainstay as well as the advantages it offers folder Erangel.

As for Folder Erangel has 10 locations to land with hot boot consisting of Pochinki, Georgopol, School, Sonovka Military Base, Rozhok, Yasnaya Polyana, Mylta, Shooting Range, Gatka, and the last one is Nonorepnoye.

The difference between Miramar and Erangel

Although developer PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds game keep adding interesting content and features that are updated in the form folder, characters, and cutting-edge weapons.

However, there has always been a never-ending debate about maps PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds the best to play.

Two of them are maps Miramar and Erangel. Folder Erangel is folder default from PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Folder it was inspired by a fictional island in Russia which was used as a military testing ground occupied by the Soviets in 1950.

The most debated topic is the difference regarding the size of the area, vehicles or transportation, and loot or in-game weapon loot.

Based on the area of the Miramar and Erangel maps previously described, it can be seen that folder Miramar, which has a wider land area, certainly has more area to target players as well folder Erangel with area wider waters have more battles because there are fewer area which players can aim at.

Miramar and Erangel

Lots of hills with urban areas scattered across folder Erangel. Concept of layout folder Erangel itself is used as a medium to long range battle area due to the building on folder Erangel tends to be a bit far apart so that it provides a free distance to fight.

The zone time in this game is neither too long nor too fast. As for the games played on folder it has a fairly standard time to collect weaponry loot and rotate into the new zone.

Though folder Miramar and Erangel are the same size, however folder it has more arid land with geographical conditions in the form of a desert with little plants or grass.

There are only cactus plants or small bushes that cover it accompanied by a bumpy surface.

With a very wide and open land area, players in this area often fight from a distance by using snipers. 

As for the zone movement from folder this is considered very fast but with a long enough distance between zones so that the advantage is that it can provide more free time in making rotations.

In terms of vehicles, until now Erangel has 633 vehicles that are actively operating. This amount is more than the vehicles that are in folder Miramar, namely 452 vehicles.

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This becomes one of the player's considerations in choosing a location, because vehicles play a major role in traveling to a safer battle arena. Then, the next difference lies in terms loot or loot.

Miramar has a total of 43,343 loot with 7,929 weapons that can appear on the map. Meanwhile, Erangel only has 24,058 loot with 4,689 weapons.

In the end, all considerations and location selection will be the personal preference of a PUBG player, regardless of how different Miramar and Erangel are.

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