Dota 2 is famous as a MOBA game with heroes META (Most Effective Tactics Availabe) which keeps changing every patch. Therefore, through this article, VCGamers will discuss the best Dota 2 heroes for each of the current roles.
There are five different roles for each player in a team. The roles are Hard Carry or position one, Midlaner or position two, Offlaner or position three, Soft Support or position four, and finally Hard Support as position five.
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The Best Dota 2 Hero Lineup Patch 7.32c
Each role has a different choice of heroes. These heroes will use a build that suits their respective roles.
With the appropriate build, the hero will become a strong unit and bring victory easily.
Here are the best heroes for each role in patch 7.32c. The list of heroes below is only a recommendation and is in accordance with the author's experience playing Dota 2 on Patch 7.32c.
Even though some of the heroes below are nerfed in this latest patch, in reality there are still quite a lot of players who use these heroes in ranked games.
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Best Hero for Hard Carry

The best Dota 2 heroes for Hard Carry are Slark and Shadow Fiend in this patch. Slark is an Agility hero with a skill set that deals great damage while making him a hard-to-catch hero.
The first skill called Dark Pact deals considerable damage in the early game phase, as well as provides a debuff status so you can cancel the stun status received when using this skill with the right timing.
After that, the second skill called Pounce is a skill for you to catch enemies. When you hit an enemy with a Pounce jump, the enemy will not be able to escape without Spell Immunity.
The third skill from Slark is Essence Shift. This passive skill allows Slark to steal one Agility point when hitting an enemy. Slark can also get permanent Agility when killing or assisting enemy heroes.
You can use a combination of these three skills in the order of Pounce to catch enemies, Dark Pact for damage and debuffs, and keep hitting enemies to steal Agility.
Finally, the ultimate skill Shadow Dance gives Slark the freedom to hit enemies and enemies cannot target Slark. You can regenerate HP if Slark is not seen by the enemy.
Besides Slark, you can use Shadow Fiend as the best hero for Hard Carry. Shadow Raze Damage and high Auto Attack can kill enemy heroes quickly.
Not only that, a lot of players Professional Dota 2 who uses Shadow Fiend due to Talent Level 25 which deals Shadow Raze damage from Base Attack Damage.
The Buff Aghanim Shard from Shadow Fiend also really helps with damage output, because the Necromastery ability will become an active skill and provide enormous critical damage.
Professional players like Rusman and Gorg c often use Slark and Shadow Fiend when playing Ranked Matches in the high bracket, namely Immortal.
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Best Hero for Midlaner

Ember Spirit is a strong hero in this latest patch. As a Midlaner, of course you have to help other lanes by ganking and killing enemy heroes. Ember Spirit has high mobility so it can roam and gank easily.
You can use the ultimate skill of Ember Spirit called Fire Remnant to move places quickly. With Aghanim's Scepter item, you can activate Fire Remnant faster.
Apart from mobility, Ember Spirit also has a strong laning stage due to the damage it generates from Auto Attack and Sleight of Fist.
The Flame Guard skill is also very useful because of its high damage and Ember Spirit can withstand magic damage from enemy heroes.
Batrider can also be a strong Midlaner hero in this patch. The combination of Sticky Napalm and Firefly skills can provide high output damage against enemies.
However, the skill that the enemy hates the most when facing Batrider is Flaming Lasso. With this ultimate, you can give stun and attract enemies to the territory of a friend's hero.
Moreover, the ultimate skill Flaming Lasso can penetrate Spell Immunity like Black King Bar. Professional player InYourDream and Ramzi often uses Ember Spirit and Batrider when playing as a Midlaner.
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The Best Dota 2 Heroes for Offlaners

Offlaner heroes are well-known as their job to be the front line during teamfights. Primal Beast and Tidehunter can do this task easily.
Uproar Skill by Primal Beast can provide Armor according to the stack you have. This hero has a high Strength stat so that he can be the front line of defense during teamfights thanks to his durability.
In addition to high durability, Primal Beasts can also provide high output damage thanks to Trample and Pulverize skills. Pulverize's ultimate skill will take one enemy and stun that enemy and nearby enemies.
If you don't like using Primal Beasts, then Tidehunter is a strong hero that you can use as an Offlaner. His Kraken Shell skill provides Damage Block against physical damage.
In addition, the Anchor Smash skill can deal quite high damage and provide a reduction in attack from enemies hit by Anchor Smash.
The ultimate skill called Ravage is a very useful skill from Tidehunter because it gives a long stun in the area around Tidehunter.
Best Dota 2 Hero for Soft Support

Maybe you are confused why the Dawnbreaker hero is the best hero for Soft Support. However, in fact the skill set that is owned is very supportive to become Soft Support.
Dawnbreaker has skills called Starbreaker and Celestial Hammer to catch enemies. Starbreaker can provide high output damage as well as a small stun.
The Celestial Hammer delivers damage over time or DoT and slow that you can use to kill enemies with the help of the team.
The ultimate skill called Solar Guardian is a very useful skill. By activating this global skill, you will heal friendly heroes and give a long stun to trapped enemies.
Apart from Dawnbreaker, Marci is also the best hero for Soft Support. Even though you are nerfed, you can still use this hero as the best hero.
You can use the Rebound Skill to catch enemies and give them stun. After Rebound, you can use Dispose to slam the enemy towards a friendly hero.
The Sidekick skill and Unleash ultimate skill can buff damage to friendly heroes while also dealing painful damage to enemies who are Unleash's targets.
Best Dota 2 Hero for Hard Support

For those of you Hard Support players, there are three choices of the best heroes at the moment. The hero choices are Chen, Zeus, and Lion.
You can use Chen if you are good at playing micro. This hero can bring forest creeps to fight against enemies. Not only forest creeps, later you can also take strong ancient creeps like Black Dragon.
The second option is Zeus. Usually, players use Zeus for midlane. However, you can also use Zeus as a Hard Support because the Lightning Bolt skill can detect wards.
According to pro player Ceb, the mid game phase is the information battle phase. Using the information on the existing map, you can easily win teamfights and matches.
Lastly, Lion is a very strong Hard Support hero. With Earth Spike and Hex skills, you can disable enemies so they can't do anything.
As a Hard Support hero, Lion can also provide high output damage thanks to Finger of Death. Every time you kill an enemy with FoD, the damage will continue to increase.
Thus the discussion of the best Dota 2 heroes for each role. Keep in mind that you have to adjust the selection of heroes according to the selection of enemy heroes.
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