If you ask"who are the heroes support The best Dota 2 right now” , the answer can be varied. The reason is because the number of heroes in Dota 2 is very large and there are lots of variations.
But after doing various kinds of research, the writer managed to find 5 heroes support Dota 2 which the author can call the best in Patch 7.32 and 7.32b. Curious anyone? Check out the explanation below.
Also Read: Prediction of Heroes Used at TI 2022
5 Best Dota 2 Support Heroes in Patch 7.32b

You need to know that the five heroes will come from the results of the author's research, both from tournaments The International 11 2022 Regional Qualifiers or results update patch 7.32 and 7.32b in early September.
Consideration the author takes these heroes based on buff accepted, win rate during the tournament, and skills interesting to use.
If you have a different opinion, please write in the comments column who is the best support hero in your version of Dota 2 and what are the reasons.
In order to be more detailed, the author also writes details, comparisons, and predicts potential conditions that may occur during the match.

Snapfire seems to be the single best support hero I've ever discussed here. As a support, Snapfire can have a big effect.
We start from his first skills, Scatterblast. some guides in the game suggest taking this skill at the beginning. The reason is that during the early game, the struggle for bounty gold is the main goal, while kills are the second.
Second skills named Firesnap Cookies also actually interesting, but better used for certain conditions. When you use this skill on a friendly hero, they will jump forward.
On the one hand, this condition is quite good because it can help your core get kills. But the flip side is that you "throw" your friends closer to the enemy.
You can strengthen this skill by taking a level 10 talent, +125 HP Firesnap Cookie for the unit you throw. You can also buy Aghanim Shard items that make throwing distances up to 600 units and also emit globs.
So besides the throwing distance which is equivalent to the Force Staff item, there is also a very useful glob for clearing the lane from creeps, chasing enemy heroes, or healing friends.
skills third named Lil'Shredder. Maybe it doesn't have bad damage, but instead this is a counter for various kinds of heroes that issue certain units such as Tombstone owned by Undying, Nether Ward Pugna's, even Homing Missiles Gyrocopter's.
Final is Mortimer Kisses. A skill that takes out eight glob firespit it can attack enemies from a great distance.
If hit by an enemy, besides the damage it hurts, the enemy's movement slows down 15-25%. So with this skill, you can open vision to your friends, slow down your movements, and deal damage to your enemies.
This skill is suitable to be combined with various heroes that can make the enemy not move, such as Dismember owned by Pudge, Power Cogs Clockwerk, Sprouts from Nature's Prophet, and other heroes who can give stun or hex.
Actually Aghanim's Scepter additional skill, Gobbles and Spit Out, interesting to use. You can eat friendly heroes and friendly or enemy units and throw them. Enemies hit by the throwing radius will be stunned and Damage Over Time (DoT) because the throw also issued a glob.
Patches 7.32 and 7.32b can be considered as adjustment patches for Undying. Even though the skill cooldown Tombstone should add, but now there's a new meta on skills first, Decay.
Before the update, skills Decay Useful for stealing 4 strength from enemies and also +60 HP & Max HP. After 45 seconds, it disappears, causing Undying's HP and Max HP to decrease. Yes more or less like using Armlet of Mordiggian.
But this time, the moment of effect Decay disappears, it only reduces Max HP. The additional amount of HP Undying receives is permanent, just like using items. Cool isn't it?
Just imagine if Undying used Decay to two enemies, in addition to giving +8 strength, you can also heal yourself by +120 HP, equivalent to one meal of Tango.
With his survivability ability, Undying can save money on buying Tango by buying Enchanted Mango. During "where” Undying's property is fulfilled, then it will be safe.
Taking these hero partners into account, Undying fits well with the Drow Ranger, Sniper, and other heroes who can provide DPS (Damage per Second) fast. Usually accompanied by third skill, Tombstone.
When it comes to stunners, Earthshaker is the answer. In fact Earthshakers including a multifunctional hero, can be a support, roamer, up to offlaner with his stun ability.
After patch 7.32, Earthshaker got a reduced cooldown skills fissures, which went from 21/19/17/15 seconds to 18/17/16/15 seconds. You can use it to block the enemy's path.
To make it more optimal, you can combine it with Aghanim Shard which provides additional stun along the way fissures what you make.
Second there are skills Enchanting Totems which can deal considerable damage. For the maximum, you can combine it with skill three, aftershock which can give stun around Earthshaker every time he uses his skill.
ultimate his, Echo Slam, very suitable for use during war. By status, Echo Slam does little damage. However, the more units or heroes within its range, the more damage it will do.
To initiate an attack, there are two options. You can use the Blink Dagger item or buy the Aghanim's Scepter item which can make Earthshaker jump far while using Enchanting Totems.
When talking about potential enemies, Earthshaker is a counter to all enemies that can take out units. For example Enigma, Broodmother, and Phantom Lancers.
If playing as support, Earthshaker can focus his ability to block or give a long enough stun to the enemy.
Best Hero Support Dota 2 at TI 11 – Marci
Based on statistical data from Liquipedia, Marci is the most chosen support hero during The International 11 2022 Regional Qualifiers. Quoting from Liquipedia, Marci won the stage in 122 matches with a win rate of 54.10%.
The short reason is that in this patch Marci gets a buff adjustment.
first Skills, Dispose, changed the stun to slow movement with the throwing distance shortened to 275 units. It is interesting because it makes dispose it's easier to clean creeps without fear of being missed.
Second there is rebounds which now has a stun effect. If you buy Aghanim Shard, Marci can throw a team unit (hero or creep) to the target area. Suitable for countering enemies trying to escape.
Third there is Sidekick which can be cast to Marci and teammates. This skill gives effect Lifesteal and damage bonuses.
Last is ultimate his named Unleash, as the name suggests, he will unleash his abilities and increase attack speed. If the hit target has been met, he will issue a wave (pulse) around himself, dealing damage and slowing effects to enemies in the area.
Talking about hero pairs, maybe Marci fits in well Warlord Trolls, Ursa, and other heroes,
Lastly is Chen. Chen was in the second position as the support most voted for by players during the TI 11 2022 Regional Qualifier. Quoting data from Liquipedia, Chen was selected 57 times with a win rate of 59,65%.
If you look at the skills and results of the update, Chen's skills focus on healing and making troops from creeps (both enemy creeps or neutral creeps).
Even though he was nerfed in some of his skills, there are several advantages in playing this complicated hero.
The first advantage is being able to make neutral creeps as teammates with both skills, Holy Persuasion. Chen can use it for farming, split push, to spy on Roshan.
With the addition of Aghanim Shard, Chen can recruit 1/2/3 ancient neutral creeps according to the level ultimate skills-his, Hand of God. Meanwhile, with Aghanim's Scepter, Chen can sacrifice the creeps he controls to heal friends across the map.
If it's level 25, Chen can choose a talent that makes Hand of God can provide a strong dispel. During the late game, this skill becomes very crucial to remove the debuff for each hero.
Those are the five best support heroes in Dota 2 Patch 7.32b. Actually there are still many heroes that can be taken into consideration, for example like Lion, Shadow Shamans, IO, Visages, and other heroes.
But back to the author's statement above, starting from the results of patch updates 7.32 and 7.32 along with the number of these heroes played in The International 11 2022 Regional Qualifier yesterday.
Of the five heroes above, which one do you like?
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