Free Fire The newest Advance Server will soon be released after OB33. Where Free Fire OB34 is the newest update that many players have been waiting for.
The rise in popularity of Free Fire in recent years can be attributed primarily to the constant updates. Garena releases a new patch every two months, bringing a huge list of changes and additions to make the game a better experience.
Developers do not release patches directly. They first allow gamers to test new content on the Free Fire OB34 Advanced Server receiving feedback, and fixing any bugs before releasing the official update.
This client is usually surrounded by an incredible level of anticipation as players get previews of new features before they are implemented. However, in most cases, the Activation Code prevents all users from accessing it.
Free Fire OB34 Advance Server
Advance Servers have always instilled interest in the Free Fire community as they provide previews of upcoming features that are likely to be released with the next update of the game.
While this is generally limited to a small subset of players, that same exclusivity always generates excitement among gamers.
As well as providing hands-on experiences, gamers can also submit feedback on changes that will be refined prior to the actual release.
Garena released OB33 just a few weeks ago, and rumors about the OB34 Advance Server have started to spread. Free Fire Advance Server is a separate game client for players to test new potential features before the official release.
Start Date

According to the official website, Free Fire OB34 Advance Server will start on May 12, 2022. Gamers will be able to download the client from the official website on the same day.
Although the download will be open to all users, only those who have received an activation code from Garena will be able to access it.
Some of the previous versions were released about two weeks before the actual patch, and as per popular suspicion in the community, they will likely go live between May 10th and May 14th.
This expectation is based on the assumption that the Free Fire OB34 update will go live on May 24, the day before finishing the ranked season Clash Squad.
Players will be able to test the feature extensively until the client closes on May 23, 2022. As expected, server progress is independent of the global version and will be discarded once the Advanced Server is closed.
Gamers can download the client on the day the server goes live, i.e. on May 12th. However, due to slot limitations on the client, all players will need a unique one-time Activation Code, which is essential to access the client. The only way to receive an Activation Code is to register before it starts.
How to register and get an activation code

The only way to receive an activation code is to register on the Free Fire OB34 Advance Server. The appropriate steps are as follows:
- This link will take gamers to the Advance Server website, where they can register for an activation code.
- After landing on the web page, they can sign in with a Google or Facebook account.
- You have to fill in all the necessary information to set up your profile.
It is important to remember that registration does not mean that gamers will receive an activation code.
In addition, since this application is only for testing, the accumulated data or progress from the server is not forwarded and does not affect the global version.
Although everyone can download the client Advanced Server, only those with the Activation Code can access it. The only way to gain access to these codes is by registering, and even then, there is no guarantee of receiving them.
It is important to stress that these are only estimates and should therefore be taken with a pinch of salt. The developer hasn't announced an Advance Server release yet.
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Free Fire OB34 Update Release Date

A trend observed for some of the previous updates was that they were released a day before the end of the ongoing Clash Squad ranked season. Following the same, the Free Fire OB34 patch will probably be released on May 24, 2022, as the season ends on May 25, 2022.
Game servers will be unavailable on patch day due to extensive maintenance, as was observed during the previous update.
Most of the time, patches are available for download from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store a few hours after the break. However, gamers will not be able to use the new features until the hiatus ends.
The success of Free Fire is mainly attributed to the developer's consistent efforts to roll out updates in recent years.
With new features and content released every two months, the developers never fail to excite their loyal fan base, making it more interesting and enjoyable.
The excitement around the update started to build with the announcement of the Advanced Server, as it provides an overview of the content that Garena may release with patches.
It also serves as a platform for developers to test new features and fix all bugs and glitches to provide a fair experience.
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However, Advance Server's exclusivity and limited access has raised its significance to a whole new level in the community. Above are the details of the new Free Fire OB34 Advance Server, which you can prepare before registering.