Cici release date MLBB Of course it has become one of the topics that many people have been waiting for Vicigers the courtiers Land of Dawn.
The reason is, the current meta is giving fresh breath to players offlaner certainly in line with the new hero. So, for those who are curious, let's read the review!
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Hero Cici MLBB

Before we talk further about the release date for Cici (read: Sisi), first, what kind of hero is she actually? Yep, quite a bit Vicigers Maybe you already understand that Cici is a fighter hero.
But what is actually unique about Cici compared to other existing heroes? Sure, that's what's on your mind too, right? So, let's take a look at Cici's presentation below!
As a suitable hero to enter the exp/off-laner pool, Cici is a fighter with a fairly unique basic attack range.
He is not included in the melee or close range hero category (like most heroes with fighter/assassin/tank roles).
He is also not considered a long-range hero (like most marksman/mage/support). So, if it's not both, which category does Cici fall into?
So, you could say that Cici is a hero with a mid ranged attack distance. You could say his attack distance is almost the same as Karrie as a marksman with the shortest shooting distance.
Apart from that, Cici also has strong damage per second (DPS) characteristics. Most of his skills and combos focus on multiple hit spam and spell vamp. Don't be surprised if later Cici can be invited to swap lane with marksman!
Lastly, as a fighter, Cici has a Physical type damage output. This makes him able to sustain quite well when he has to face one on one in one lane, or when he has to solo push the turret. This is because his passive also has a significant impact on his movement speed. Very flexible and mobile!
As has been explained above, Cici would be more suited to using items that support spam skill support combined with spell vamp.
As a result, items that add cooldown reduction (CD) attributes and spell vamp are very suitable for this hero.
The author will recommend using physical items such as War Axe, Bloodlust Axe, Malefic Roar (for a little penetration), and also Hunter Strike. Not only that, it is also suitable to be combined with Defense items such as Brute Force, and of course, Immortality.
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Cici MLBB Release Schedule

So, now let's get into the discussion regarding the release schedule itself Vicigers. Initially, Cici was planned for release on December 23.
This coincides with the implementation of Patch Note 1.8.44, as well as the transition between Season 30 to 31.
Seeing that date is getting closer, for sure Vicigers Those who don't have enough points are already panicking, right?
Hey, don't worry. According to a message sent to each player's inbox on Wednesday (20/12/2023), the release of Cici will be postponed because it is still in the adjustment stage. There is no definite date yet when it will be officially released on the original server.
So, do it Vicigers who may still need to collect points, chase the target immediately! Even though there is still enough time before Cici is finally released!

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So, that was the discussion regarding the Cici MLBB release date on the original server.
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