Some time ago, there was an event Steam: Bash Bash which also raised the prestige of a game called Hades. As it turns out, in the Hades Game there are lots of interesting god characters to discuss.
Game Hades genre Roguelikes action it has the theme of Greek mythology, much like the game series God of War which is old. Not only exciting, it turns out there are lots of Greek mythological stories that we can learn from this game.
In this article, the writer wants to discuss about the characters of the Olympians in the game Hades. Starting from the story, strength, and a few interesting facts in this game.
If you are interested in the Hades game, the author will make another article about this game according to your recommendations in the comments column.
Without lingering, let's get right into the discussion!
Also Read: Hades Game Review: A Stunning Storyline!
Hades Game Characters: Olympians Gods

According to data from Hades Games and also gaming fandoms Accordingly, there are nine Gods who fall into the category of Olympians.
Simply put, they are the ones who can give powers (Boons) to Zagreus, the main character of the Hades games, during the game. They are present as a reward after completing (or before the Trial of God) a chamber.
Not in the form of a god, their presence is represented in the form of the emblem and the dominant color of the god.
Their existence every time you try to escape is very random and limited. From the author's experience, every attempt is blurred, the author only finds 4-5 gods.
But you can outsmart this by using Keepsake. Keepsake is a "pet object" for every character in the game Hades that will give special effects.
Okay, without further ado, here is an explanation of each Olympians version of VCGamers.
Hades Game Character: Zeus

We start with Zeus. Zeus is the Father of Olympus, the god of all gods, the god of thunder. He is the older brother of Poseidon and Hades and the adopted brother of Demeter.
Zeus is depicted as an elderly person, with white hair and beard, a stocky body, while holding a thunderbolt as his favorite weapon.
Zeus has powers related to lightning. He will give his strength (boon) to Zagreus in the form of lightning strikes or chain lightning.
In accordance with the color of the lightning, the emblem and aura of the boon Zeus have the dominant colors of yellow and white.
Zeus' lightning power is strengthened by the addition of a status called "Jolted". If the enemy is in “Jolted” state, he will take damage when they try to attack Zagreus.
Interesting Facts
In the Hades game story, Zeus is a character who is a little frontal but kind. The reason is, he "kidnapped" Persephone, daughter of Demeter (adopted sister) and gave it to Hades as a "gift".
At that time, Zeus knew that Hades liked Persephone, but he could not leave the Underworld. Meanwhile, from Persephone's side, she really wanted to leave Olympus. So, yes, you could say Zeus is a frontal and understanding god.
Zeus has a Keepsake named Thunder Signet. This keepsake is shaped like a bracelet sealed with lightning. The power of this Keepsake can ensure Zeus will be present as the next boon with a bigger "Rare" chance.
According to the Codex in the Hades game, Hades has a bad relationship with his own brother. One of them, Hades, thought that if Demeter knew that her child was "kidnapped", Demeter would be furious.
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Hades Game Character: Poseidon

God Poseidon may be one of the most famous gods among the people. The reason is, the God of the Sea is often mentioned in various films, such as PercyJackson or Aquaman.
Back in the Hades Game, he is Hades' second older brother. has a face like an old man, hair and a long bluish-green beard, clothing attributes depicting Scallop shells, and carrying a trident.
Poseidon has power based on the location of his power, namely the sea. The power he gives Zagreus is in the form of a very strong wave or water attack.
The emblem and aura on Poseidon's boon are in the form of a trident with blue as the dominant color.
The main strength of Poseidon is to give effect knockback and also “Ruptured”.
The damage that the enemy receives will be even greater when hit knockback and hit a wall (wall slam). Meanwhile, "Ruptured" is an additional status for the enemy in the form of Damage over Time as they walk.
Interesting Facts
Judging from the story in Hades' game, Hades has a bad relationship with Poseidon, just like his attitude towards Zeus.
In terms of skill, looking at the huge damage he gives (wall slams, states ruptured, and knockback), Poseidon's boons are one of the best boons in the Hades game.
Poseidon has a Keepsake named Conch Shell. This keepsake is shaped like a seashell horn. The power of this Keepsake can ensure that Poseidon will be present as the next boon with a bigger "Rare" chance.
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Hades Game Character: Athena

The goddess Athena is the goddess of wisdom as well as the goddess of war strategy. He is the direct son of Zeus and the goddess Hera.
The goddess Athena is depicted as a woman with dark skin, broad body, hair like a horse (knight), wearing gold armor, and carrying a golden shield.
The powers provided by Athena include defense, damage reduction, and guerilla attacks. The form he gives Zagreus is that of a powerful shield, some of which can reflect enemy attacks.
Athena has a boon in the form of an emblem in the form of a shield and an aura with a yellow-blue color.
Despite focusing on defense, Athena can give a special status to the enemy as "Exposed".
After attacking or reflecting enemy attacks, Athena will give the status "Exposed". This status makes the enemy get additional damage if Zagreus attacks him from behind.
Interesting Facts
Athena has a Keepsake named Owl Pendant. This keepsake is shaped like an owl. The power of this Keepsake can ensure Athena will be present as the next boon with a bigger "Rare" chance.
For those who don't know, the owl is Athena's sacred animal. The owl symbolizes "wisdom" and symbolizes Athena's power, being able to see what others cannot see.
In the game of Hades, Athena is a counterbalance to the god Ares, like two opposite sides of a coin.
Lastly, from the writer's point of view, Athena has the most useful boons in the Hades game. His power that can restore or protect himself from enemy attacks becomes very useful when fighting Hades.
Hades Game Character: Aphrodite

Goddess Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty and love. There is no sufficiently complete explanation of this goddess, either from fandoms or from within the Hades game directly.
The goddess Aphrodite is described as a beautiful woman, with long pink hair and no clothes. Even though the game is described as vulgar, in fact it is actually like that in mythology.
As the goddess of love and beauty, her main power is love. Zagreus will be granted a power that can weaken the enemy, giving the status "Weak".
In the game, the presence of Aphrodite's Boons is indicated by a heart-shaped emblem and has a pink aura around it,
Ultimate (called Call) from Aphrodite has a power called "Charmed". This power can tempt enemies with love, making them attack other enemies for a few seconds.
Return to the “Weak” state. This status damages the enemy by 30%. Makes the attack less painful.
Interesting Facts
The lack of information about Aphrodite is because she is the only character in the Hades game that is not related to other gods.
The keepsake that Aphrodite gave to Zagreus is named Eternal Rose. Has the shape of a pink rose, symbolizing love.
This keepsake serves to allow Aphrodite's boon to be present in the next chamber with a bigger "Rare" chance.
From the Codex in the game, Zagreus realized that Aphrodite was the goddess with the most terrifying powers in the world. Because of love, strength grows, but when love is gone, there is only misery.
Hades Game Character: Artemis

The goddess Artemis is one of the goddesses who is rarely heard of in various Greek myth-themed films.
Yet according to Greek mythology, Artemis or the goddess of the hunt is the most powerful goddess on Olympus. Not only that, Artemis is also called the goddess of wild animals and is able to do Shape-shifters.
In the Hades game, Artemis' powers are only related to hunting. Artemis is depicted as a young woman, carrying a bow and arrows, and wearing attributes derived from animals.
The power that Artemis bestowed on Zagreus was critical attacks. Artemis will provide a large critical attack chance and produce multiple damage depending on the rarity of the boon.
Several other boons can produce "seeking arrows", which are arrows that will seek and attack enemies like a homing missile.
To get a boon from Artemis, you can choose an arrow-shaped emblem with a dominant green aura.
If the enemy is successfully hit by a critical attack, the enemy will be hit by a "Marked" status. Enemies with this status will increase the chance of receiving even more critical damage.
Interesting Facts
According to the Codex in the Hades game, Artemis has a character who is very obedient to her duties. She doesn't care about praise from anyone and is always focused on her position as the goddess of the hunt.
It is also stated that Hades really respects Artemis. The goddess Artemis and the god Hades have the same thing in common, namely being solitary and committed to their work.
The character of the Goddess Artemis is also contained in her Keepsake in the form of an arrowhead named Adamant Arrowhead (steadfast arrowhead). This keepsake makes the boon that Zagreus will meet later come from the Goddess Artemis with a bigger chance of "Rare".
Game God Character Hades: Ares

God Ares is the original name of the god of war. The name of the god Ares is often glorified in Greek mythology as a spirit of war.
The image of the god Ares in this game is a man with a burly body, dark skin with a white line parallel to his eyes, wearing gold and silver armor, carrying a gladiator helmet. He was also holding a red aura sword.
You can get Ares' Boons by choosing a sword-shaped emblem with the dominant aura color red.
Most of the power that Ares gives Zagreus is injurious to the enemy. There are those who can provide additional damage to bring out blade rifts, vortices full of knives.
The status that Ares can give to enemies is "Doom". If the enemy gets this status, the enemy will be exposed to considerable damage a few moments later.
Interesting Facts
In mythology, he is the balance of the Goddess Athena, like two sides of a coin. If Athena taught wisdom and was full of strategy, Ares actually relied on physical strength and was barbaric in war.
So barbaric and bloodthirsty, one of the Favors to bring closer the relationship between Zagreus and Ares is to kill a total of 10,000 enemies!
Talking about Keepsake, God Ares will give you an item called Blood-Filled Vial. This keepsake makes the boon that Zagreus will meet later come from the god Ares with a bigger "Rare" chance.
Finally, from the author's point of view, if you play Hades, God Ares has boons that are very sick and very good when combined with Artemis or Athena's boons.
Hades Game God Character: Dionysus

Who would have thought that Greek mythology had a god of wine? Yes, in the Hades game, Dionysus is nicknamed the God of Wine.
Dionysus is depicted as a man of a stout body wearing chiton (the term cloth for men in Greek mythology) is purple. His right hand holds a golden staff tipped with grapevines, his left hand holds wine.
Dionysus also wore a robe of tiger skin and attributes related to grapes (fruits and leaves) around his head.
You can get Boons belonging to Dionysus if you choose an emblem in the form of a convex glass to drink wine with a dominant purple aura.
As the God of Wine, his power can make enemies drunk and can give Health to Zagreus. Additionally, Dionysus was able to create Festive Fog, a Area of Effect in the form of a purple mist that makes enemy attacks miss.
The status that he can give to the enemy is "Hangover". Such status can give Damage over Time every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds. You can stack "Hangover" five times.
Interesting Facts
According to the readings literature, in Greece, wine and vineyards were a source of inspiration and a precious gift from the gods. Because of its drunken sensation, wine represents ferocity, mystery, wonder, and mystery.
According to the Codex in the Hades game, Dionysus is a god who is quite loved by humans. The reason is because he has a "blood-mortal" in him and is able to bring joy rather than misery.
Dionysus' keepsake is also described as a glass filled with wine called the Overflowing Cup. This keepsake makes the boon that Zagreus will meet later come from the god Dionysus with a bigger "Rare" chance.
Hades Game Character: Hermes

In the game Hades, Hermes is known as the God of Speed. The speed here is not just walking or running, but also deception, moving places, and anything related to time.
In this game, Hermes is depicted as a young man, dressed like ancient Greek society.
His attributes are winged shoes, a cane in his left hand and a bag full of documents in his right hand, an orange scarf, and a pair of wings on his head.
Hermes' boons are one of the boons that you can meet every time you try to escape, unlike the other boons.
To get it, the boons belonging to Hermes have a wing-shaped emblem with a dominant orange aura.
The strength that Hermes bestowed on Zagreus was also not in the form of damage, but speed. Examples include increasing the maximum number of dashes, the chance to dodge, and many more.
Interesting Facts
If you've watched PercyJackson, there are two similarities to what is depicted in the game Hades. The first is the winged shoe and the second is the winged snake staff (caduceus).
In the Hades game, among all the gods, Hermes is the most sociable and has good relationships. The reason is that he must be able to deliver messages to three worlds, Underworld, Mortals (Greece), and Olympus.
If the gods befriended the gods, Hermes was friends with Charon and Skelly. Hermes cooperated in the same way as delivering dead souls to the River of Styx, then Charon escorted these souls to the Underworld.
So what's his relationship with Skelly like? In fact, Hermes and Skelly were the characters Charon asked to help Zagreus in every escape attempt. That is the reason why you can always meet Hermes.
Finally, Hermes' Keepsake is called Lambent Plume with a feather shape. If Zagreus uses this Keepsake, Zagreus has a permanent dodge chance if he manages to clear the chamber before the time limit is over.
Hades Game Character: Demeter

As a counterbalance to the main gods came Demeter, Goddess of the Seasons. In Greek mythology, Demeter is also the Goddess of Agriculture, fertility in the world.
In this game, the developer describes Demeter as a very old grandmother with skin like ice scales, as if frozen. The clothes he wore were quite closed with the dominant blue color.
The robe he was wearing looked like white bear fur. The back has olive trim (continuous). Above the two shoulders are attributes like snowflakes.
You can get Demeter's Boons if you choose an emblem shaped like a wheat aura with a dominant bluish-white color.
Even though she is the Goddess of the Seasons, Demeter in the Hades game only has a winter theme. The power that Demeter gives to Zagreus can give the enemy the "Chill" status, cold.
As the name implies, enemies who are affected by the "Chill" status from strength make the enemy's movement slow down. In some skills, the status of "Chill" can also give the effect of "Decay" and "Shatter", giving Damage over Time.
You can stack this "Chill" status on enemies up to 10 times. The more the number, the slower the movement of the enemy.
Interesting Facts
From the side Greek mythology, Demeter is the sibling of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. But in the Hades game story, Demeter is the adopted sister of the three siblings.
Bringing up the Zeus story above, it is true that Zeus kidnapped Demeter's child, Persephone, and gave her to Hades. But, if referring to Greek mythologyPersephone is the child of Demeter and Zeus.
If in the game Hades mentions Zeus "kidnapped" Demeter's child and gave it to Hades. But actually in Greek mythology it seems like Zeus "gave" his son with Demeter to Hades.
But the gist of both stories is that Demeter is the grandmother of Zagreus.
To get Boons from Demeter, players must first get Zagreus to the surface. After that, you can find Demeter's boons in the next escape attempt.
Lastly is Demeter's Keepsake named Frostbitten Horn. This keepsake is shaped like a goat's horn.cornucopia) with little snowdrifts. This Keepsake makes the boon that Zagreus will meet later come from the Goddess Demeter with a bigger chance of "Rare".
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That's a review of the nine god and goddess characters in the game Hades from several sources. If you like, the author will make an article about the strongest boons to fight Hades. So, let the author know in the comments column if you agree, OK?
If you want to play the Hades game, you can buy it through Steam.
Enjoy playing~
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