Do you want to make this hero go crazy on Dota 2? Then you should use the Zeus Build Item recommendation in 2022.
Based on Zeus' best role as a Mid Laner in Dota 2, midshipmen are just trying to get to the guaranteed +25. For players who like to play in the middle of the field, you will probably use him or meet him a lot in Dota 2. He is definitely one of the heroes that is easy to spot, but a little sneaky.
He has 3 active skills with damage that explodes very quickly in the early game - middle game. But when you enter the next game, it is very difficult to play it.
To win the game using this hero, you have to follow the hardest thing that can be used as a Zeus Mid Laner build item. Let's see what is suitable for building Zeus items in Dota 2.
List of Zeus Dota 2 Build Items
Arcane Boots

Zeus is a hero with a very large mana consumption, especially in the early game. You'll need Arcane Boots to achieve this without going back to basics.
You really need this thing, because the Zeus build item will be very difficult to climb at first with very little damage to the base. So use skill 1 for farming.
Aether Lens

This hero has a bad range, so you should immediately make an Aether Lens to develop long range skills.
Aether Lens is an item that can be purchased in the Main Shop under Magical. However, it requires an item from the Secret Shop to complete.
Aether Lens increases the range of effect differently per ability. For the ability to use projectiles or travel speed to a certain distance, the travel speed remains the same while the distance increases unless stated.
Certain abilities do not have an increased range of effect, even if their cast range is increased. Ability with Global player range has increased its maximum range.
All vector-targeted abilities have an increased player's range but not their effect's range.
Veil of Discord

If you want to play aggressively with Zeus, you can create a Veil of Discord. This item will significantly reduce the enemy's magic resistance.
This will certainly make Zeus' skills even more painful when targeted at heroes who are affected by this item.
Aghanis Scepter

In some gameplays, sometimes there are a number of players who make Aghanim Scepter as fast as possible to build Zeus items.
That's because Aghanis can provide additional skills to build the Zeus item, Nimbus. Nimbus can be targeted around the map and gives heroes in the Nimbus area a mini-stup.
Aghanim's Scepter is an item that can be purchased in the Base Shop, under Magical. However, it requires an item from the Secret Shop to complete.
These items provide unique upgrades to each hero's abilities, sometimes granting new abilities.
Can be further upgraded to Aghanim's Blessing icon. Aghanim's Blessing with recipe icon Default.png Recipe, a permanent passive buff that provides the same ability boost without using item slots.

You can not only rely on Zeus build items Arcane Boots when you enter the game later, but you need things so you don't run out of mana.
Bloodstone is a good thing for this problem. This will give a very large mana rain and the rain will increase because it kills other heroes.
Bloodstone is an item listed in the Base Shop, under Armor. However, it requires items from the Secret Shop to assemble. Multiple instances of lifesteal spells from the same source will not stack. Lifesteal spells from various sources accumulate additively.
Interferes with the caster's channeling ability when cast. The health cost is pure damage marked as HP Remove, so it doesn't trigger any damage effects.
Increases the lifesteal of Bloodstone spells against heroes to 60 percent and against creeps to 12 percent. Mana restoration is based on the total value of the item's lifesteal spell, including bonuses.
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Octarine Core

The Octarine Core will be something else in the next game you can do for Zeus. This item reduces all cooldowns Zeus skills by 25 percent.
The name Octarine is a tribute to Terry Pratchett who died a month and a half before the item's introduction.
In Pratchett's Discworld novel series, Octarine, a greenish-purple hue, is the eighth color of the visible spectrum. It is called the color of magic because it can only be seen by wizards (and cats) and often accompanies the casting of magic.
If you have a hero with a short cooldown on your skills, consider this item; casting spells more frequently in one fight is a huge advantage, and the increased casting range makes it possible to do so without having to stay in the middle of a fight for a long duration.
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So here it is, a recommended Zeus build item for Mid Laner in Dota 2 in 2022 that you can use. Don't think about using it on other lanes, bro!