Build Angela Mobile Legends Meta S31 2024

Angela Mobile Legends

As discussed in the article strongest hero ever, Angela Mobile Legends is one of the most overpowered (OP) roamer heroes currently!

Yep, it's not wrong, this support healer is often banned during the draft and pick phase! So, for those who are curious about the worst build, let's look at the following review!

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Build Angela Mobile Legends Patch Note 1.8.47

Angela Annual Starlight
Angela Annual Starlight. Source: Official YouTube Channel

It turns out that meta roamer support is still being maintained thinly by Moonton. The reason is, soft heroes who are suitable to support from behind like Estes, Floryn, and Rafaela are still often found in the Land of Dawn today. And of course, Angela is the most frequent.

Not only do these healers have a healing capacity that is directly proportional to the magic damage build, but if they use the right build, the cooldown (CD) of their skills can be really short, you know! So, here is a detailed review:

Build Angela Items in Mobile Legends 2024

Starting from the build item. As explained above, the Magic item-based CD build is the most suitable for current supports. So Angela's items must also be in line with this meta.

For Movement, Angela can use Demon Shoes as the main mana supply. This is important because the healer needs to frequently spam Skill 1 (Love Waves), both as a form of support and poking damage.

For the second slot item, you are absolutely obliged to buy a book/book item (Enchanted Talisman). Apart from this item making regeneration faster, the CD reduction effect it provides is also very suitable for reducing the seconds of Skill 2 (Puppet-on-a-String) and Ultimate (Heartguard)!

And Angela's next mandatory item, especially if it's not Fleeting Time! Yep, this item just got a shadow buff and it's really OP!

Mages who use it can spam Ulti continuously until it almost looks like a cheat! This is very suitable for Angela so that she can constantly enter the bodies of her team members.

In the 4th slot is Angela's final mandatory item: Flask of the Oasis (FotO)! Yep, this is a mandatory item for healers!

The presence of this item last season coincided with the rise of the roamer-support meta. So, Angela really has to buy this item.

For slots 5 and 6, they are optional. Vicigers You can fill it in as needed. If the enemy team also has high heal/shield capacity (white blood) and dive-in, Necklace of Durance (NoD) combined with Winter Truncheon could be the right choice.

Or if Vicigers Having a high output of magic damage and burst, the Genius Wand and the Ice Queen Wand can also be good choices.

Both can help reduce the opponent's magic resistance and movement speed significantly.

Angela Mobile Legends Emblem and Talent

Angela Animation
Angela Animation. Source: Official YouTube Channel

Now about the build emblem and talent that is suitable for Angela. Of course, according to her role, Angela would be better if supported with Emblem Support.

This can strengthen the healing attribute it has while reducing the CD it has significantly.

For the General Talent option (1), Vicigers can choose Agility which adds movement speed so that Angela's movements can be faster. Then the General Talent slot (2), Vicigers can choose 2 options.

If you want to make the roamer even more agile, use Wilderness Blessing. However, if you want the items to be finished faster, you can choose Bargain Hunter. Finally, choose Impure Rage so that Angela's mana becomes unlimited!

Battle Spell Angela Mobile Legends

Angela Concept Skin Starlightr
Angela Concept Skin Starlightr. Instagram (imch.an25)

If you match it with your gameplay, the most suitable battle spell for Angela Mobile Legends is Flame Shot.

Apart from this being able to provide CC for melee heroes who try to catch him, the ranged damage given by this battle spell can also help team members finish when trying to pick off opponents.

Also read: The Most Painful Aamon Build in Season 31 of Mobile Legends

For those of you who want the cheapest and fastest MLBB diamond top up to buy Angela skin, just go straight to VCGamers Marketplace!

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