Bluehole Was Doubted At The Beginning Of PUBG Mobile Development, Why Is That?

PUBG blueholes

Hola Vicigers! Investors who invest in games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG Mobile) this is Bluehole originating from South Korea.

Wealth has been panned for various parties because games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile which has gone worldwide. Including the developers, not just the players.

The position of the 47th richest person in South Korea was successfully occupied by Chang Byung Gyu who is Founder & Chairman Krafton thanks games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile.

Portfolios such as TERA, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile, and Devilian have been produced by video developers games from Bluehole which is a subsidiary of Krafton.

2007 was the year it was founded Bluehole. Chang's debut as the richest person in South Korea started with a wealth of nearly IDR 13 trillion or US$890 million. Most of this wealth comes from games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile.

In 2017 they launched PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile. Its popularity immediately increased at that time.

In fact, the popularity of other brands that developed earlier such as TERA in 2011 and Devilian in 2015 could be surpassed by games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile.

Games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile itself can be enjoyed and liked by players because the Japanese film Battle Royale which was made in 2000 was adopted in games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile.

Play games This can also be done with 100 other players simultaneously, and the winner is the player who survives to the end. The results of Krafton's financial performance are beginning to be seen thanks to this games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile.

In 2018 Krafton managed to earn US$1 billion in revenue, which has increased compared to 2017 which had a loss, but after that the resulting net profit was US$220 million. However, the loss was not comparable to the success they had so far.

Reasons for Doubt Bluehole When You Want to Invest in PUBGM

Early in development and not as popular as it is now, apparently Bluehole As an investor from South Korea, I had my doubts.

The creator, Brendan Greene who is a foreign national is the reason. In addition to citizenship issues, language is also one of the obstacles and reasons Bluehole hesitate to invest in games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile.

Citizenship Brendan Greene himself is an Irish citizen. Between Bluehole and also the Greene party had a debate because they were worried that their cooperation would be hindered by the two problems above.

Bluehole assume that the risk is very large if the capital develops games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile launched and cooperates with foreign nationals.

However, time also succeeded in proving that Bluehole managed to develop games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile even went so far as to create a subsidiary company with a name PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Corp.

Finally the worry was paid off with fame games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile. Every day also players from games it continues to increase or increase.

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How much will it cost in the endinvest by Bluehole

based game mobile this was difficult at first designed by the PUBG PC developer, namely PUBG Corp. But finally games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile was successfully created thanks to a collaboration with a Chinese company, Tencent Games.

A year later, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile was successfully released by Lightspeed and Quantum Studio Group which is part developers from Tencent.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile can be accessed at Google PlayStore in March 2018. This matters games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile can be downloaded for free by all players from all over the world.

Even the record for the highest number of players and downloaders according to records Google PlayStore in 2018 successfully solved by games PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile since its initial release.

Based on sources in the venture capital industry, it is said that shares Bluehole purchased by Tencent worth more than 500 billion won or if converted to Rupiah around 6.4 Trillion Rupiah.

So, that's about the story of the ups and downs and the beginning of the story of the presence of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile so that it can be as big as what is being played by the crowd. gamers at the moment.

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