This time we will review how to increase the MMR Dota 2. So, we can find out how to increase the MMR.
MMR or Matchmaking Ratio is a number used in Dota 2 to assess player skills. The greater the MMR value, the higher the skill.
For more details, let's look at the review!
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How to Increase MMR Dota 2
Of course many want to know how to increase the MMR Dota 2.
Is increasing MMR difficult or vice versa?
Immediately, let's see more information in the review below.
Changing Mindset

Never think that you are the best at carrying or soloing center stage when you want to raise your MMR, because selfishness can arise.
If you think you are always the best at using carry in all matches, it might be safe to use carry if someone wants to support you.
Imagine if you met someone with the same mindset as you?
Of course we have to be wise and choose a hero who has a role according to the needs of the team.
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Have a Mainstay Hero

If you are a short sprinter type carry hero, try to have one mainstay hero for each type (str/agi/int) instead.
You can choose a mainstay hero (hero with agility type).
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Always calm

Try to talk to them, even if they are sometimes selfish and stay calm. If you often exchange messages with your first teammate.
Don't shout too much it would be better to say soft words. How to increase MMR Dota 2 is actually quite simple right?
Don't Bully a Teammate

If you play mmr and your 1st friend always feeds the enemy, remember don't blame (bully) that person, maybe that person is not good at playing this hero or that person is in a bad mood.
If you bully, maybe that person is lazy to play Dota 2 and can make you lose 25mmr.
Always push

These are some of Dota 2's faults, remember, Dota 2 is not just about killing enemies.
To win this game, use the best time if all enemy heroes die, then push as fast as possible and don't use that time for farming.
Because it's just a waste of time to push outdated enemies.
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Realizing the Role Hero You Pick

Remember to always be aware of the hero role you are playing, when using support. Buy messengers and wards, and always engage in warding off in enemy forests or other areas, such as ancient camps or roshan grounds.
When farming in the safelane, your job as support is to make sure the carry only takes one hit. How to increase MMR Dota 2 It's pretty easy, you just have to get started.
Always Carry TP

Why is it said to always carry TPS (town portal scroll) when the team's tower is being pushed, you can teleport to the team being pushed, and defend to make sure you don't lose your tower.
Watch Pro-Player Matches and Tournaments

Watch pro-player matches and tournaments, so you can learn from them. You can see how pro players fight, support and even make important decisions in team fights.
Burning is one of them, a player who was named the best defender of his time. His favorite hero is anti-mage.
Teams from China often use tricks and strat 1 carry and 4 support, and burning can farm safely if supported by a teammate.
Clearing the path and quickly entering the forest will ensure stable apm and gpm. That's how to quickly increase MMR Dota 2. Then learn how to teamfight pro players.
How could they not waste time and spells? How easy is it not to learn how to increase MMR Dota 2?
They are patient until they have the right time. Good ice players wait until the enemy heroes gather to gain entry. From there, with one spell echo slam, you can win team fights and battles.
If you already understand how to increase Dota 2's MMR, you can go ahead and make your country proud in international tournaments.
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