Just Cause is an action game that has a really awesome concept. Launched for the first time in 2006, until now, Just Cause has had 4 series. Among the four, there is Just Cause 2 which is still interesting to play.
Released 4 years after the first series, namely in 2010, the second Just Cause is still the prima donna for gamers.
Because Just Cause 2 is here to complement the first day of the series, and offers a wider world than its predecessor. So there are so many activities that can be done in this game.
Do you know that in the game Just Cause 2 there are various elements of Indonesian culture? If you don't know it yet, then you need to listen to this article to the end.
Because, this time we will discuss the Indonesian elements contained in the second Just Cause game. For more details, let's look at the following explanation!
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The location of the Just Cause 2 game consists of a combination of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore

This second Just Cause game is set in Panau, an island nation in Southeast Asia. Which Panau consists of a combination of three countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.
In real life, we both know that these three countries have diverse cultures that mix with each other. And in this game Panau is also the same as in the real world.
Panau is very heterogeneous, where Indonesian/Malay and Tagalog are chosen as the National Languages.
In addition, Panau is also inhabited by several ethnic groups, such as Malays, Indians, Chinese, and other ethnicities.
Character Name

Several character names in Just Cause 2 have very Indonesian/Malay names. Just mention the names of the three criminal gang leaders in Panau, their names are very Indonesian, namely Sri Irawan as the head of the Ular Boys, Bolo Santosi as the head of the Reapers, and Razak Razman as the head of the Roaches.
Not only that, several military colonels in Panau also have very Indonesian/Malay names, starting from Abdul Rahman, Bachtiar Saleh, Muhammad Yatim, Tom Gunawan, and many more.
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Name of City and Region

It's not just about the name of the character who has a really Indonesian name. But several city or regional names in Panau also use Indonesian or Malay names.
Some villages that use Indonesian names usually start with the word Kampung or Tanjung. Starting from Lake Lengkong Village, Berangin Beach Village, Tanjung Intan, and many others.
Whereas villages that use Malay names usually start with the words Bandar, Pekan, or Tasik. Such as, Bandar Baru Cina, Pekan Kuala Kering, and Tasik Kasuari.
Not only are regional names with very Indonesian names, places like rivers or mountains also use the same language. Call it the Holy Mountain, Rajang River, Ghost Island, and others.
Conversational Dialogue

Because some of the characters in the Just Cause 2 game have very Indonesian names, it's not surprising that these characters also speak Indonesian.
As was done by Sri Irawan, where he called Rico Rodriguez as Soldier.
Then there are also supporting characters like Jade Tan who greets Rico in Indonesian.
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So, those are some of the Indonesian elements in the Just Cause 2 game. We hope this article will give you new insights.
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