You should consider choosing good crypto fundamentals, especially for long-term investments.
Did you know that cryptocurrency is considered the best digital asset that will be widely accepted in the future? Not only that, many cryptocurrency services offer the best solutions in real life.
High volatility instruments carry high risk, but also offer comparable returns. Due to the fact that it is a risky asset, it is important for creative investors to choose good fundamental cryptos with good foundations. Of course, this is to reduce risks and increase profits.
Good Crypto Fundamentals List
Based on the simple explanation above, there are at least 5 good fundamental cryptos, which are as follows.
Solana (SOL)

You know that Solana's crypto service is one of the best, especially the Solana blockchain which is able to overcome the problems faced due to proof-based blockchains or high transaction fees, scalability and network connectivity.
SOL can also process 50,000 transactions per second (TPS). Unexpectedly, with the solutions offered, the price Solana keep going up from time to time.
Cardano (ADA)

Vasatail Pos blockchain project (Proof of Stake). Cardano is known as a third generation blockchain and works to solve the scalability problems that plague the second generation, for example Ethereum and the rising cost of gas.
The crypto with the best fundamentals, projects Cardano and the ADA cryptocurrency has been a favorite of the crypto community since its inception in 2010. Cardano itself required an innovative, peer-reviewed learning process to develop its broad and niche blockchain and opportunities.
Chainlick (LINK)

Chainlik is a cryptocurrency project with the vision of stimulating a global network of words and computers (excluding words) to provide real-world data and smart contracts, running on the blockchain.
Basically, every node in the Chainlink oracle network will be asked to provide accurate data with a predefined name tag.
Avalanches (AVAX)

The platform developed by Ava Labs helped create a multifunctional blockchain that can solve many of the problems that other blockchains face today, such as transaction speed, scalability and centralization.
Then supports building dApps. With advanced technology and being a problem solver, Avalanche is considered one of the good fundamental cryptos.
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Axie Infinity (AXS)

Axie Infinity is one of the projects that enters a space or area that is considered promising in the future, namely intangible things (NFT) in the metaverse space.
This is the main reason why Axie is considered to have long-term prospects. Axie has created a living thing called a blockchain game with a game-to-win concept that allows users to play games while earning money.
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Above are some good crypto fundamentals and well-reasoned options using three indicators of technology, market cap, and trading volume.