Do you want to get more kills or harvest kills? If so, you can use a rusher skill combination Free Fire June 2022 issue below.
The Free Fire MAX community has grown significantly, and many new players have joined the game. However, the general goal among most players remains the same, which is to push ranks and become the best player in the game.
When pushing rank in Free Fire MAX, many factors play a role, one of which is choosing the right character. In addition, because players can make rusher skill combinations by buying skill slots, making the ideal combination also ultimately plays an important role in push rank.
Basically, each rusher skill combination can only consist of one active ability and three passive abilities. Players are often confused by the variations available in Free Fire MAX. The recommended rusher skill combinations for these players are listed below.
FF Rusher Skill Combination List
Many Free Fire MAX players enjoy dropping on hot drops to increase their K/D ratio and get involved in early fights. There are many factors that can help them score kills in such a scenario, one of which is the optimal use of rusher skill combinations.
Gamers can also make the appropriate combination of rusher skills to complement their overall gameplay and improve their performance in hot drops. With so many options accessible, many users are confused about which rusher skill combination to use in a character combination.
None of the characters are duplicated in the rusher skill combinations below to give players more options. The abilities mentioned are at the lowest level in Free Fire MAX.
Dimitri + Luqueta + D-bee + Moco

When dimitri is activated in Free Fire MAX, Healing Heartbeat leads to the creation of a healing zone. This zone is 3.5 meters in diameter and recovers three health points per second for 10 seconds.
Additionally, players and allies can recover if they fall while in the zone. After the 10 seconds is over, there is a cooldown of 85 seconds.
Luqueta has the Hat Trick ability, which is especially useful in Battle Royale mode. It increases maximum health by 10 points, up to 50 with every kill, meaning that five kills will result in a maximum of 250 HP.
Bullet Beats is a skill owned by D-bee in Free Fire MAX. If equipped, movement speed increases by 10 percent, and accuracy increases by 20 percent when players shoot while moving.
The Moco Hacker's Eye marks the enemies the player shoots at. The tag duration is 2 seconds, and the information is shared with teammates as well.
Alok + Jota + Otho + Dasha

Drop the Beat is Alok's skill. It created a 5m aura that increased movement speed by 10%. This skill also recovers 5 HP per second for 5 seconds. There is a cooldown of 70 seconds at the base level.
Hitting enemies restores some HP for players when they have Jota's Sustained Raids ability. Furthermore, knocking down an enemy restores 10 percent HP for the player.
After eliminating an enemy, Memory Mist reveals the location of all enemies within 25 meters of the elimination spot. The location will be sent to teammates as well.
Partying On has many uses in Free Fire MAX. First, it lowers damage and recovery time from falls by 30 percent and 60 percent, respectively. His abilities also reduce recoil and recoil buildup by 6 percent.
K + Miguel + Shirou + Kelly

K + Miguel + Shirou + Kelly is one of the best rusher skill combinations in FF June 2022. K has been the best character in Free Fire MAX for the time being. His ability increases the maximum EP by 50 points. Additionally, there are two different modes available:
Jiu-jitsu: User and allies within 6m receive a 500 percent increase in EP conversion rate. Psychology: Replenishes 3 EP every 2.2 seconds, up to 150 EP.
To switch between these modes, there is a cooldown switch mode for 3 seconds. Through Miguel's Crazy Slayer, players receive 30 EP for every kill. It will work well with K's Master of All.
While Damage Dealt is in use, if the player is hit by an enemy within 80 meters, the ability will tag the attacker for 6 seconds. The first shot at that enemy will give 50 percent more armor penetration. There is a 25 second cooldown on skills.
Kelly increases sprint speed by 1 percent at the lowest level in Free Fire MAX. The number will increase as the level increases in the game.
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Skyler + Antonio + Hayato + Kelly

Use Riptide Rhythm will generate a sonic wave that will damage 5 Gloo Walls within a 50 meter radius. After each use, it has a cooldown of 85 seconds. Furthermore, each deployed Gloo Wall will increase HP recovery starting from 4 points. The recovery effect does not stack.
Antonio's ability grants the user an extra 10 health when the round starts, making him a great option, especially during early Battle Royale matches when he falls on a hot-drop.
When players in Free Fire MAX equip Hayato, their armor penetration will increase by 7.5 percent with every 10 percent reduction in overall max health.
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Kelly increases the individual's running speed by 1 percent at the character's base level. The amount will increase with the level.