Hooray!!! $VCG Token Passes CertiK Audit

VCG Tokens New 4
VCG Tokens

Good news for $VCG token holders. This is because the $VCG token passed the audit CertiK some time ago.

CertiK itself is a company that conducts blockchain security audits that utilize the best formal verification and AI to secure and monitor blockchain and Web3 applications.

Also read: Try now! This is How to Buy $VCG Token on Pancakeswap

$VCG Token is ranked 41st in the Leading Project with a security score of 90 on Monday 14 February 2022. It doesn't stop there, in the BSC Projects it is known that $VCG is ranked 6th.

CertiK Audit Result Score for $VCG Token

Certic Audit

Reporting from the official CertiK Audits website, a number of facts related to the audit conducted on the $VCG token were presented.

This is conveyed in the form of a score that is displayed on the official CertiK website. Following are the results of the CertiK audit for the $VCG token.

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Static Analytic

A Certik audit in static analysis or source code/bytecode scanning in the $VCG token stasis analysis tool suite is delivered as follows.

In the audit it was stated that the $VCG token got a score of 70.

Also read: $VCG VCGamers Crypto Token Officially Launched, Check Out the Complete Info!

On-chain Monitoring

Based on an audit from CertiK, the On-chain Monitoring score of the $VCG token reached its highest score of 100. This assessment is based on a real-time transaction system.

Social Sentiments

The Social Sentiment of this token has also received high and positive ratings. Ratings are based on social monitoring and sentiment analysis.

This Social Sentiment rating score reached 89.

Governance & Autonomy

The next assessment is regarding Governance & Autonomy. The $VCG token gets a value of 100.

On its website, the $VCG Token has received a strong rating based on the inspection that has been carried out.

Market Volatility

The $VCG token scored well in the audit. Namely, reaching up to 92.

The market votality of these tokens is called stable based on indicators on volume or liquidity.

Safety Assessment

The next assessment is regarding the security of the $VCG token which gets a score of 75. This is known based on 15 evaluations of the danger and safety of this token

About $VCG Token

what is $vcg token vcgamers

For those who don't know, $VCG Token is a digital crypto asset in the country. This crypto asset is developed on top of a social commerce platform that connects gamers. Apart from that, this platform also allows you to sell and buy digital items. This will certainly give $VCG real practical utility within the VCGamers ecosystem.

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