You can apply Helcurt gameplay tips from VCGamers. Using this, you can go crazy on Mobile Legends and invincible to the end.
After not being able to use Petrify and lowering the Silence effect from the first skill, playing an assassin properly might take a little practice and patience while in battle.
Helcurt is a late-game Assassin, for this reason, you should focus on farming early in the game and be careful in team fights. However, you must need a good understanding of the map to become invincible.
According to Helcurt's gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Our Helcurt Mobile Legends gameplay tips cover the perfect game plan for early game, mid game and late game.
MLBB 2022 Helcurt Gameplay Tricks
Early Game

This hero is not an efficient jungler like Hayabusa, Gusion, and other assassins, so ask your Tank/Support to help with farming so you can reach level 4 as soon as possible.
He is not a buff dependent assassin, make sure to take the buff on which side Lithowanderer will appear.
Ask the midlaner to gank on Turtle lane and try to kill Turtle lane enemies to get an advantage against Turtle.
Don't risk your life to get kills, getting assists in the early game is fine too, focus on getting items first. Always remember to stock up on Deadly Stinger before joining the fight.
Make sure you always clean Monster Jungle first until it's finished and make sure not to be taken by the enemy.
If you can, you can steal one of the enemy Jungle Monsters so that their Jungle Heroes are left behind in terms of Level and Gold in the early game.
After you cleared everything, immediately look for the enemies in the nearest lane from Turle because this hero already has very bad damage in the early game.
If you can, aim for the enemy's Hyper Carry to get an advantage in the early game. After that, then you take the existing Turtle to increase Gold in the early game.
Mid Game

At this point you have 2/3 items according to your farming efficiency. Keep a close eye on the map for possible kills and make sure to gank frequently on the sidelines.
Every time a teamfight occurs, don't just jump on the front line, hide and focus on killing the enemy backline, namely the Mage/MM/Jungler enemies.
Keep in mind that his Ultimate can save the team from enemies in difficult situations, so feel free to use it to help your team escape easily.
Late Game

As a burst damage dealer, he with full build items is a deadly assassin in the late game who can hunt his prey very easily.
Don't hesitate to hunt down slippery enemies roaming alone on the map, fewer enemies will help win team fights easily. As a reminder that Helcurt's gameplay itself is also a squishy hero, so always be patient and wait for the right opportunity.
He is a very strong hero when played with his strength. He could prove to be deadly against any Mage/Marksman in the Land of Dawn.
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However, sometimes, he loses against highly mobile heroes like Hayabusa, Ling, Granger, and Martis. So be careful when facing them on the battlefield.
Helcurt used to be the easiest assassin to play, but that's not the case after being unable to use Petrify and not having the proper silence effect from the first skill.
To master it, one needs to master the Deadly Stinger which is the main source of damage. Even though his first skill gives a silent effect during Dark Night Falls, enemies can still avoid Deadly Stinger if the user is slow.
An excellent choice for ranked play, this assassin is definitely a good choice for the current meta.
These Helcurt gameplay tips will definitely help in guiding easy wins with him in Mobile Legends.
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That's all for today's Helcurt Mobile Legends gameplay tips. Would you rather use Helcurt's gameplay in another way? Let us know in the comments section below!