Check out the 5 best Groza skins on Free Fire to maximize the potential of this weapon in battle.
In the latest update, Free Fire buffs Groza with greater damage, rate of fire, making him a really scary weapon now.
The spawn rate of Groza in the airdrop has also increased so you can most likely pick up this weapon now. Here are the 5 best Groza skins in Free Fire to make this weapon even stronger.
List of the Best Groza Skins 2022

Booyah is currently the cheapest Groza skin in Free Fire which you can get by buying the BOOYAH Weapon Loot Crate for only 18 Diamonds at the shop.
This skin increases the accuracy of the weapon by a significant amount. Groza already has quite a large damage output so this buff really helps to make the weapon more stable. The reduction in reload speed hardly affects the power of the weapon.
Booyah is also a good weapon variant. This skin improves accuracy significantly at the expense of reloading speed, which isn't too detrimental.
His weapon is a mix of red and yellow with the word BOOYAH prominent on the weapon in yellow.
- Reload speed –
- Accuracy++
Great Plunder

The Groza Great Plunder skin has the same buff as the Groza Booyah skin with the added damage buff, making it a clearly better choice.
The Great Plunder is the best version of the weapon you can get. The weapon had a purple aura around it with several particles similar to petals emanating from it.
There is also a cool monkey image on it which exudes an aura of its own. Her weapons are mostly pink, purple and red. This Groza skin greatly increases damage and improves accuracy at the expense of reloading speed, making it very strong.
Great plunder is the best Groza skin with big mechanics. Has a very lively pattern and doesn't forget the aura around the weapon.
The great plunder includes rare skins that can only be obtained at certain times, such as the August 2020 bullseye event. The following details the great plunder!
- Accuracy++
- Damage+ Reload-
Tagger's Revolt

At first glance, the Groza Tagger's Revolt skin looks very similar to the Groza Great Plunder skin because both skins use a mixture of many colors to decorate their weapons.
With the Groza Tagger skin, you can make it stronger at a longer distance with a higher rate of fire. Magazine reduction is not a problem at all with a large magazine and high DPS from it.
- Range++
- Rate of Fire+ Magazine-
Groza Winterlands

The Groza Winterlands skin significantly increases its rate of fire, which makes this weapon even more deadly.
The Accuracy Reduction might slightly affect weapons in ranged combat, but that's about it. Groza Winterlands skins are available in the store in Loot Crate Winterland for 35 diamonds each.
- Rate of Fire++
- Accuracy-
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Groza FFCS is a Groza skin that has been in Free Fire for a long time. Released during the Free Fire Continental Series 2020. This skin provides a very large damage buff while simultaneously reducing the size of Groza's magazine.
Again, magazine depletion is almost unimportant while the damage buff will have you tearing enemies apart in seconds.
This skin has the dominant color orange. Did you know that FFCS is stepped? The FFCS skin includes one of the rare skins that can only be obtained at certain times. This skin first arrived at the FFC 2020 event.
- Damage++
- Magazine-
Free Fire is a battle royale game with a variety of weapons that players can use. Players are given various types of shotguns, SMGs, snipers, and ARs. One of the ARs in the game is Groza.
Also read: Have you ever had these 5 rarest Free Fire skins?
This weapon is actually a pretty good weapon that deals a decent amount of damage at a good level. It is quite stable and works well on long distances too. This weapon is only available in airdrops.
So, that's the list of the five best groza skins in the Free Fire game! Hopefully the information that has been submitted is useful!