Caustic which is one of the legends in Apex Mobile you can make it an alternative to fighting in the arena because it has good passive and tactical skills.
Apex Legends has become one of the most popular FPS Battle Royale games across multiple platforms since its launch.
This very intense game presents a Battle Royale game that will appeal to Battle Royale game lovers.
What's more, Apex Legends has also arrived in a mobile version, which of course players with mobile devices can already feel the excitement of this game.
What makes this game special is the presence of various Legends that you can choose to play. These legends have their own backstory which can inspire various players to vote for their favorite character.
In this article, we will discuss Caustic Apex Mobile skills, which may be the favorite of many players who love this Battle Royale game.
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The story of Caustic Apex Mobile

Caustic is said to be a 48-year-old figure with the real name Alexander Maxwell Nox in Apex Legends.
Alexander Nox was once one of the brightest scientists working at Humbert Labs, Frontier's leading producer of pesticide gases.
Nox worked day and night developing new formulas for the pesticides needed to protect the crops that sustain the Outlands.
However, he soon realized that the development of his formula was hampered by his testing methods and he needed live subjects in his tests.
While he was still working hard in secret, Nox began to see progress in his creation with it being able to destroy anything it touched.
Now, Nox competes in the Apex Games under the name Caustic while observing the effects of his artificial gas with great enthusiasm.
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Skill Caustic Apex Mobile

Caustic is a legend that has a defensive type and is probably the best choice for indoor combat.
Thanks to his Nox Gas trap tactical ability, it is very difficult to win a battle against a team with Caustic in a building.
Passive Skill – Nox Vision
Caustic or Toxic Trapper has a passive skill called Nox Vision which can make him see enemies in his poison gas.
This Caustic Passive allows him to see enemies trapped in a fog of poison gas and is very effective at close range. Maybe you can often use Nox Vision, considering that this skill doesn't have a cooldown.
So, if you activate this in a small room, the enemy will find it difficult to escape from the range of this Caustic skill.
Meanwhile, only Caustic can see the layout where the enemy's position is and inform the team members about the enemy in poison gas.
Since opponents cannot see beyond the gas, Caustic players can use it as a shield to revive team members or restore them.
This defensive-type Legends has equipped him with a gas mask that cannot be hit by his own gas. Besides that, Caustic players also cannot be hit by other users' Nox Gas and vice versa.
Tactical Skill – Nox Gas Trap
The next skill which is a tactical skill from a legend with another name Toxic Trapper is the Nox Gas Trap.
Caustic's tactical skill is placing canisters or cans emitting poisonous gas within a short distance which activate when the enemy triggers them.
This Nox Gas Trap will be more effective if you use it in the early game or in the late game with canisters in locations that are crowded with enemies.
In addition, you can also use it by making full use of the Ring in the middle of the game and packing areas full of snares to catch enemies off guard.
The gas that comes out of this tube will spread for about 12.5 seconds to a radius of 256 meters with 3 charges or usage. If this poison gas hits the enemy, they will experience a slow effect.
You can destroy this canister filled with poison gas by shooting it at the base in red.
Ultimate Skill – Nox Gas Grenade
For his ultimate skill, Caustic has a grenade which certainly contains poison gas called Nox Gas Grenade.
This Nox Gas Grenade will spread Nox gas smoke which has a wider distribution range than the Nox Gas Trap, which reaches a radius of 500 meters.
This skill will be active for 16 seconds with damage that will increase to 4-10 damage every second. Not only that, enemies who are hit by this poison gas will also feel a slow effect and blurry vision.
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Apex Mobile Caustic Perks and Finishers

Perks and Finishers will of course provide their own advantages for each legend especially to help prepare themselves to face other nearby enemies. The following are the perks of Caustic.
Push pylon: Caustic's flying ability will increase by 30% after using the Jump Tower.
Pursue Enemy: Caustic players will be able to see enemies through walls after destroying the shields of enemy targets.
Emergency Battery: Using a cell shield will get an additional 25 shield points when the player has no body armor.
Slow-acting Batterysher: Players will recover 1 shield point every second when they are not fighting.
Spoiler: The cooldown of tactical skills will return to their default settings after respawning.
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Not only perks, Caustic also has several finishers to help him when fighting on the battlefield.
First, Execution Loser's Nourishment will restore all shields and add 30 HP when defeating enemies.
Second, Execution Final Thrill is useful for giving recovery to all shields and the ultimate cooldown will decrease by 30% when finishing enemy battles with finishers.
Lastly, Execution Tactical Thunder will also restore the condition of the shield and reset the tactical skill colldown after successfully using the finisher.
That's the discussion about Caustic Apex Mobile's skills, whose main weapon is the poison gas he created himself. To be able to maximize the use of legends, you may need to study Tips for playing Apex Mobile.