Through this article, we will provide an explanation of the Apex Mobile Bloodhound skills that you need to know to maximize your game on Apex Mobile.
Bloodhound is one of the first legends in Apex Mobile which is quite influential presence for a team. This Recon-type legend also has another name, namely The Technological Tracker.
Just like the name suggests, you can probably guess that this legend has a goal to track and find the location of the enemy.
The Bloodhound's unrivaled tracking skills are a boon to any team they join, helping them root out hidden opponents and track enemy movements.
For that, you need to know what skills are in Bloodhound so that you are good at tracking enemies.
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A Glance About Bloodhound Apex Mobile

Bloodhound was one of the greatest hunters the Frontier had ever seen and all of Outlands knew him.
After an accident that killed both of his parents, Bloodhound was taken in by his uncle Artur. He trains Bloodhound in the Old Ways, a system of belief in nature that rejects modern technology.
However, Bloodhound was actually interested in modern technology which eventually combined the Old Ways and New Ways. He used that method to defeat Goliath who was preying on the villagers.
Skill Bloodhound Apex Mobile

Each legend in Apex Legends Mobile has three abilities, namely Passive, Tactical and Ultimate.
As a Recon agent, Bloodhound becomes a critical figure providing valuable information on enemy locations and enabling the team to make planned attacks.
It's no wonder that this legend can become a mainstay for other teammates to be able to hunt down and attack enemies suddenly.
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Passive Skill – Tracker
The first skill in Bloodhound is a tracker or tracker. This tracker is a passive skill that has no cooldown. So, this skill can be active without any response.
This passive skill can make Bloodhound give various clues from enemies, including footprints. That way, other colleagues can find out which way the enemy is going. This hint will last for 90 seconds.
Tactical Skill – Eye of The Allfather
The second skill that Bloodhound has on Apex Mobile is Eye of The Allfather which has a cooldown of 25 seconds. Eye of The Allfather is a tactical skill that allows Bloodhound to quickly scan for enemy locations, traps and clues.
Eye of the Allfather can scan up to 75 meters with a maximum of 10 detectable enemies.
Scanning for this enemy lasts a very short time, namely for 3 seconds. However, loot and hints will remain activated until they are available.
This ability can be used before entering an area which reveals the location of an enemy and planning entry accordingly.
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Skill Ultimate – Beast of The Hunt
The next skill in this technology tracker legend is Beast of The Hunt which allows Bloodhound to turn into the ultimate hunter.
With this skill, Bloodhound can use his senses to see his position and ambush his enemies. This ability will last for 30 seconds.
Even so, Beast of The Hunt can be extended from 5 to 15 seconds by taking down enemies, but depending on the remaining duration. When Beast of the Hunt is active, Eye of the Allfather's cooldown is reduced to 8 seconds.
By doing so, the movement speed of this legend will increase up to 30%. The view of the surrounding environment will also change to black and white, enemies will turn orange and teammates will turn blue.
With Eye of the Allfather's cooldown reduced, Bloodhound can simultaneously provide intel on enemy locations to teammates.
Bloodhound is a Recon-type Legend who specializes in stalking. This allows him to interact with the Survey Beacons scattered around the map.
Survey Beacon shows its partner the location of the next ring. This can help players to plan their moves accordingly.
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Apex Mobile Bloodhound Perks and Finishers

Each legend in Apex Mobile comes with Perks and Finishers that can give the legends additional advantages when performing their tactical abilities and finishing.
Here are the Bloodhound Perks.
Pursue Enemy: When breaking an enemy's shield, Bloodhound can see enemies break through walls for 2 seconds with this perks.
Evolution: Using this perks, players who take down an enemy will grant 50 Evo points to an Evo shield.
Spoiler: After respawning, the tactical ability cooldown will be completely reset.
Winning Reload: Reload speed will increase by 10% after defeating an enemy.
Stress: Movement speed increases by 10% for 3 seconds if body armor is destroyed.
Here are the Bloodhound Finishers.
The first finisher is Execution – Loser's Nourishment. Knocking down enemies with a finisher move restores all shields and restores 30% HP.
Next, there is Execution – Ammo Recovery, which besides restoring all shields, this finisher also refills weapon ammo.
The last finisher is Execution – Evolutionary Explosion which gives an additional 100 Evo points along with recovering all shields.
Thus the discussion regarding Bloodhound skills in Apex Mobile that you need to know so you can maximize his reconnaissance abilities.