Apex Mobile Bangalore Skills, Reliable Warriors on the Battlefield

Skill Bangalore Apex Mobile

With various legends, Bangalore Apex Mobile skills can be an option for you to damage your opponent's defenses.

Through this article, VCGamers will discuss it to make you more familiar with this legend. 

Bangalore can become a legend with many players who are interested in it because of its quite complete characteristics. 

He is a well-balanced Legend with his diverse, powerful and easily accessible abilities and skills. He is a relatively easy character to use, but mastering his abilities will take some time.

The big difference between an excellent Bangalore player and an ordinary player is how they use their abilities, especially the tactical smoke launcher.

In addition, this legend is an aggressive figure but skilled at positioning himself to then fight. It's no wonder that Bangalore has a play style like running fast, shooting well, and being dangerous with other weapons.

If you are a player with a playing type like Bangalore, then you can choose this legend to fight on the battlefield. In order to be more optimal, you definitely have to know what skills exist in Bangalore in Apex Mobile.

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A Brief Story of Bangalore

Skill Bangalore Apex Mobile

Bangalore is told as a figure who was born into a military family background with his parents and four siblings who became soldiers. They are all devoted to serving in IMC.

Bangalore himself was an extraordinary warrior figure since he was young. He had always been an excellent student since he was in the IMC military academy.

At his young age, he has abilities such as disassembling peacekeepers and hop-up Precision Chokes and reassembling them in less than 20 seconds with his eyes closed.

Three years earlier, Bangalore and his sibling Jackson were asked to recover a fleet of mercenaries from the Outlands to aid the IMC's battle against the Border Militia.

At that time, he lost his brother named Jackson who saved him by sacrificing himself. That way, this person whose real name is Anita Williams has the opportunity to get out of this situation.

Currently, he is struggling to raise funds to be able to return to the IMC command post and be reunited with his remaining family.

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Skill Bangalore Apex Mobile

Skill Bangalore Apex Mobile
Bangalore Skills

Bangalore is a legend with an offensive type who even has tactical skills that can help his teammates when fighting.

Just like other Apex Mobile legends, Bangalore also comes with three abilities, namely passive, tactical, and ultimate. 

The tactic skill might be like a tool for Escape and Ultimate as the ability to kill enemies instantly, the actual scenario is very different.

Double Time (Passive Skill)

The first skill that you can use when using Bangalore is Double Time. This is a passive skill from an offensive-type legend that can increase its speed to 30 % for 2 seconds.

This will be active when the enemy attacks or there are projectiles and explosions that almost hit him. So, this passive skill will be very useful for this one legend to escape from enemy attacks and just run away.

Smoke Launcher (Tactical Skill)

Smoke launcher is the next skill from Bangalore which is certainly very useful for the team. He performs this tactical skill by throwing 2 charges of smoke grenades, allowing him to use it twice in a row.

The smoke launcher also allows Bangalore to throw its grenade farther from the projectile with three separate tube sections upon landing. In addition, this skill will later form a wall of smoke whose explosion is equivalent to 10 damage and has a cooldown of 33 seconds.

With this skill, the owner of the real name Anita Williams can help the team to escape attacks or even launch attacks with smoke coming out.

Rolling Thunder (Ultimate Skill)

The last skill or ultimate skill from Bangalore in Apex Legends Mobile is Rolling Thunder. He will call an artillery bomb or air strike to attack an area by air.

When activating this skill, this offensive legend will throw flares and several lines of rockets which will produce a slow effect for 8 seconds.

Each explosion from Rolling Thunder will deal 40 damage without endangering his teammates, it's just that they will feel a slow effect.

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Perks and Finishers Bangalore Apex Mobile

Skill Bangalore Apex Mobile

All the legends in Apex Mobile each have perks and finishers to optimize their attacks, and Bangalore is no exception.

Here are perks from Bangalore.

Pursue enemy: When destroying the target enemy's shield, you will be able to see the enemy through the wall for 2 seconds.

Winning Reload: Your reload speed will increase by 10% after taking down an enemy target.

MED Soldier: Each slot in your backpack can get +1 additional shield per stack.

Arms Dealer: Each backpack slot allows for another 5 rounds per stack.

Return Pack: You will get body shields and weapons according to the progress of the ring after respawning.

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Besides the perks, this legend is also equipped with finishers to finish off the enemy's resistance. For more details, here are some of the finishers.

This offensive type legend has Execution – Loser's Nourishment which is useful for recovering all shields and adding HP by 30 when successfully defeating enemies with a finisher.

Meanwhile, Execution – Ammo Recovery functions to restore all shield conditions and reload weapons after taking down enemies with a finisher.

Meanwhile, Execution – Evolutionary Explosion is useful for restoring all shields as well as giving an additional 100 evo points after defeating an enemy.

That's an explanation of Bangalore Apex Mobile skills from VCGamers for those of you who want to choose them in the game. For those of you who want to know about the Mobile version of Apex Legends, let's find out too Apex Mobile sundries this year 2022.


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