Completely Peel 3 Facts about Victor's Character in PUBG!

Victor PUBG character

What Shit Character Differences Victor from Another Character?

PUBG (Player Unknown's Battleground) get some refreshing news, the article Tencent Games launch a new character in the game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile. The launched character is named Victor.

Victor is the first special character in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. The name of this character is also certainly familiar to the ears of the people gamers. The original PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile character has been released since the end of August 2019.

This character is even mentioned as a character who is a big fan of SMG weapons.

Victor's character has voices and Moves that have never appeared in any other character in the game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. This character also has three exclusive outfits consisting of Alloy Armor, Legendary Conquest, and Scorching Armor.

Clothing by type Alloy Armor and Legendary Conquest can open through Shards. As for Scorching Armor unlockable at level 8.

What Abilities Make Victor's Character Special?

This character has the ability to reduce time reload when using sub-machine gun. The reload time is reduced by approximately 4%.

This character also has skills to reduce reload SMG (Sub Machine Gun) to 10% when it reaches level 9.

That is, this character is suitable for players who like to use weapons with SMG types (Sub Machine Gun), like Vector, Tommy Gun, or MicroUzi, Vector, and UMP9. Interesting right?

Besides that, special abilities, Victor's character also has features voice chat special and emotes which is quite unique by collecting materials.

Victor's abilities are in fact secretly washed away, because Victor's abilities look normal when played in game mode. team deathmatch however which skills owned will appear in the mode Evo ground as well as infection and zombies.

The new abilities that exist in Victor's character are closely related to skills the character masters weapons in the SMG type.

In addition, during classic matches and arcade, Victor's character will appear without his SMG's reload power.

Players can use EXP Cards or play a character as often as possible to get coupons to Victor Supply Create with the ultimate goal of improving skills Victor in the game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile.

Enhancement skills it is used to open abilities that is in Victor and attractive prizes at each level level such as MVP Results.

The strength of Victor's character related to the use of SMG weapons is his ability to balance time which is known to take a lot of time in terms of filling bullets into SMG weapons to be lower.

With the Victor character, this filling process can be faster than other characters in the PUBG game (Player Unknown's Battlegrounds).

How to Get Victor Character?

Even though Victor is a special character, this character can be obtained for free. Victor can only be found when players are playing the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile BETA version.

While playing in the version mentioned, we can get the character Victor for free. The players Player Unknown's Battlegrounds Mobile just click workshops tab and selecting the character options on lobby PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile game.

Then Victor will appear on displays games with clothes, emotes, skill descriptions, story, and voice of the character Victor. After the previous Step is successful, the words 'get it for free' will appear next as an option that can be clicked under the Victor character.

Besides that, the players can also click on the box icon gifts on the event/events on the bottom right. Tab The theme will come out automatically and a new character selection option will appear, Victor and if the Victor character has been used there will be a group gifts.

As for gifts received include: premium character crates with rare rewards which can be obtained after reaching level 10 (max level).

Now,, as for how to get victory in the game, don't forget to position your Victor character in the right part!

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