As a survival game, Valheim has given its players a lot of freedom by allowing players to use Valheim cheats and play this game however they want.
In this discussion, we will review how to enter Valheim cheats and a list of cheats that can be used in Valheim.
How to Enter Cheat Codes

To be able to enter cheat codes into the game, you must first activate the console command.
It takes a few extra steps to do this, as each version will be activated differently. Here are some steps based on the version:
How to Activate the Steam version of the Cheat
To activate the Steam console version of the cheat, you need to follow these steps:
- Right-click Valheim from the Steam Library
- Select Properties
- Open the General tab
- In the Launch Options field, then type console
- Close the Properties page
How to Activate Game Pass PC version Cheats
To activate the PC Game Pass console version of the cheat, you can follow these steps:
- Open the folder where the game is installed. By default, it should be C:\XboxGames\Valheim\Content
- Inside the folder, find Valheim.exe and right click on it
- Select Create shortcut
- Place the shortcut on your desktop or in another folder where you want to access it
- Right-click on the shortcut, then select Properties
- Under the Shortcut tab, go to the Targets section
- Press space once, then add console
- And don't forget to click Apply , then click OK
- Open the game using this shortcut; it is advisable to rename the shortcut to differentiate it from more others
How to Use Cheats in the Game

Before you enter the cheat code, you must first type devcommands in the console then click Enter.
If successful, it will display Cheats: True. Meanwhile, to deactivate the cheat, you need to type devcommands again.
After you activate the cheat, then you can type the cheat code. For example, if you type the cheat code god, it will activate God mode, and the console should display God mode: True as a confirmation.
Cheat Codes for Valheim

Below are the Valheim cheat codes, which you can use in game:
- addstatus [status name]: Adds various status effects such as Burning, Rested, Wet
- beard [beard# 1-16]: Changes your beard
- clearstatus: Clears any status
- die: Kills the player
- ghost: Becomes invisible
- god: Enter god mode and become invincible
- hair [hair# 1-23]: Changes the hair style
- heal: Heals players
- model[0-1]: Changes player model to masculine[0] and feminine[1]
- nocost: Free anything while building
- puke: Empty the food meter
- raiseskill [skill] [amount]: Increases a certain skill
- resetcharacter: Resets everything on the character
- reset skill [skill]: Reset skill
- setpower [name]: Sets the Forsaken's current strength and resets its cooldown
- GP_Eikthyr
- GP_TheElder
- GP_Bonemass
- GP_Moder
- GP_Yagluth
- GP_Queen
- forcedelete [radius 5-50][name]: Deletes all objects within the specified radius
- itemset [name] [keep]: Brings up premade item sets
- removedrops: Removes all drop items in the area
- spawn [item] [quantity] [level] [p/e/i]: Spawns a specified item
- exploremap: Explore the entire map
- find [text] [pingmax]: Finds all loaded objects on the map and pings them.
- genloc: Regenerates all locations
- goto [x, z]: Teleport to specified coordinates
- location [location] [SAVE]: Brings up a location instance
- nextseed: Forces the next dungeon to seed
- printlocations: Displays the number of locations loaded
- recall [name]: Recall all players
- resetmap: Reset map exploration progress
- resetsharedmap: Removes all shared map data from the cartography table
- aggravated: Aggravated all nearby neutrals
- killall: Kill nearby creatures, neutral or enemy
- killenemies: Kill nearby enemies
- killtame: Kills nearby tame creatures
- printcreatures:Displays the number and level of active creatures
- removebirds: Remove all birds
- removefish: Remove all fish
- env [env] – Changes the weather
- AshRain
- Bonemass
- Caves
- Clear
- Crypt
- Darklands_dark
- DeepForest
- Eikthyr
- GDKing
- GoblinKing
- Heath clear
- Infected Mine
- LightRain
- Mist
- Mistlands_clear
- Mistlands_rain
- Mistlands_thunder
- misty
- DeepForest
- Moderate
- nofogts
- Queen
- Rain
- SnowStorm
- SunkenCrypt
- SwampRain
- ThunderStorm
- Twilight_Clear
- Twilight_Snowstorm
Thus the list of Valheim cheats that you can use when playing, I hope this article can help.
Also read: Build Yaoyao Genshin Impact: Skills, Artifacts, Weapons, and Team Comps
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