While waiting for the continuation of the sequel, there's no harm in playing the game Ark: Survival Evolved again, and if you're bored, you can play using the Ark game cheat.
Because by using the Ark cheat, you can play the game even more fun. Because you can change the weather, get certain items, and teleport. There are lots of other things you can do with these cheat codes.
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How to Use Cheats Ark: Survival Evolved

Using the Ark: Survival Evolved cheat, you can press Tab (mouse and keyboard controls), LB, RB, X, and Y at the same time (on Xbox), or L1, R1, Square, and Triangle at the same time (on PlayStation).
After you do the method above, then you need to enter the Ark cheat code by pressing enter to activate it.
What you need to pay attention to is if some cheats won't work before you type the code "enablecheats ”. So it is highly recommended to activate it first.
In addition, some of the cheats that you use in multiplayer mode will only be active if you have added the "admincheat" code as a prefix before entering the cheat.
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Complete list of Ark: Survival Evolved cheat codes

Here is a complete list of cheat codes in Ark: Survival Evolved
- Changesize : can change the size of your character
- Enemyinvisible: the enemy will ignore you after you attack him
- Fly: allows you to fly
- Ghost: Activates clipless mode
- God: Activates god mode
- Gmbuff: God mode with unlimited stats
- Infinitestats: Instantly refill your health, stamina, oxygen, food and water
- Leavemealone: Ultimate protection with god mode, unlimited stats
- Givecreativemode: Puts you in creative mode
- Givecreativemodetotarget: Activates creative mode for the player you are targeting
- Givecreativemodetoplayer : Activate creative mode for the player selected by entering their player ID
- Giveengrams: unlock every crafting recipe instantly
- Giveengramstekonly: gives you every Engram Tek
- Givecolors: give colors
- Givearmorset : Instantly unlocks the full set of armor at your chosen tier and quality level and equips it
- Giveweaponset : Instantly unlocks every weapon of your chosen tier
- Giveitemset : Instantly unlocks all items in the level you selected
- Giveresources: unlock 50 of each resource type instantly
- Dotame: The targeted dinosaur will be instantly tamed
- Forcetame: The dinosaur you're looking for will be instantly tamed and you can ride it without using a saddle
- Forcetameaoe : Tame all the dinosaurs within the selected radius. The default is 2000 so type lower for smaller tame areas and higher for larger areas.
- Givedinoset : Spawns a set of dinosaurs with the saddle of your choice
- Summon : Spawns a creature of your choice to your current location
- Summontamed : Spawns a tamed creature of your choice to the current location
- Gmsummon : Spawns a tame creature at your chosen level to its current location
- tpcoords : Instantly teleport to the coordinates you choose
- Teleport: Keep moving straight ahead until you bump into something
- TeleportplayerIDtome : Moves the other selected player to your current location
- Starttime
- Stoptime
- heat waves
- Cold front
- Makeitrain
- fogitup
- start_superheat
- stop_superheat
- start_sandstorm
- stop_sandstorm
- start_electricalstorm
- stop_electricalstorm
- start_rain
- stop_rain
- start raining
- stop raining
- start electricalstorm
- stop electrical storm
- start sandstorm
- stop sandstorm
- start superheat
- stop superheat
- start_volcano
- Astrocetus: spacewhale_character_bp_c
- Bloodstalker: bogspider_character_bp_c
- Small Ferox: shapeshifter_small_character_bp_c
- Large Ferox: shapeshifter_large_character_bp_c
- Magmasaur: cherufe_character_bp_c
- Megachelon: giantturtle_character_bp_c
- Insect Swarm: insectswarmchar_bp_c
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Thus the list of cheats Ark: Survival Evolved. Hopefully it can help you when playing the game.
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