Important! Tips for Using Stinger Valorant on Patch 4.04

Stinger Valorant

Stinger Valorant has pretty impressive damage and can be used for both attackers and defenders. Players also often rush when playing this one weapon.

Valorant is a First Point Shooter Game that you can play and download at Riot Games. To take a peek at the following tips, here's how to use Stinger Valorant in the style of a pro player on patch 4.04.

Stinger Overview

This weapon is one of the two SMGs available in Valorant. It has a very high rate of fire but less damage than Specter.

The Stinger has 20 bullets in the magazine and the spread of bullets is very difficult to control. You will need at least two headshots to eliminate the target.

If you are aiming for the body, you will need 4-5 accurate shots.

It's also worth noting that after switching to ADS mode, the Stinger switches off fully auto mode and goes into burst mode – it fires a number of bullets in a series, but the velocity is much faster.

Due to the completely chaotic dispersion of bullets, firing a full-auto from the Stinger, especially at medium and longer ranges, makes the weapon extremely difficult to fully control by dragging the mouse in any direction.

To make this gun a little easier to use, you can fire short bursts (up to 3 rounds at a time) and fire after stopping – this will give you satisfactory accuracy.

To further increase the Stinger's accuracy, crouch during the shot. Despite all the mentioned drawbacks, the Stinger is an excellent weapon at close range.

It seems that the Stinger rewards players who are happy to take risks to stay close to their opponents.

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Stinger Damage Statistics

Stinger Valorant

The SMG Stinger boasts the highest rate of fire in all of Valorant at 16 rounds per second. However, this is offset by a tiny 20-bullet magazine, meaning you'll be wasting your entire clip in just one second.

It doesn't quite make him a bullet hose like Odin or Ares, but it can still incapacitate enemies, especially up close. With decent body damage, you can quickly destroy enemies. Headshots are a little harder to hit, but the 2.5x damage bonus really helps.

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Tips for Using Stinger Valorant

These tips can make you calmer and more elegant when playing Valorant. For that, see the following tips on using the stinger.

Tips Stinger Valorant


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Pattern When Doing Spray

The Stinger spray pattern is quite wild. After the first five bullets, the gun shot out a ton, before swinging wildly from left to right. Accuracy after the first half dozen shots really drops, so you need to get in close proximity to enemies for any chance of getting sprayed.

The good thing is that their fast rate of fire usually means they don't stand a chance to fight back. Throwing a bullet at you at 16 per second is usually the equivalent of being torn to pieces in mere milliseconds, even with wild spray.

Run and Hold

This is about the only strategy you can employ with the Stinger. The gun does one thing really well, and that's spraying enemies with its fast rate of fire.

If you have a Stinger, you should be the first in 90% time. You take short range angles, aim and fire around corners to try and annihilate any approaching enemies. If you guess right, especially when exploding onto a site, you can do some real damage.

There's no two ways about it—you can't just flip in and out of cover with the Stinger. You either go big or go home.

Don't Forget to Right Click For Remote

If you're feeling a bit at a disadvantage, the Stinger has a handy burst-fire option. By engulfing, you can activate the Stinger's four-round burst — similar to the three-round Bulldog.

Although not very effective, it can help you in long-range firefights. The damage drop at a distance with the Stinger isn't huge, so if you land a dink or two you'll be swinging the rounds in your favor.

This trick is especially useful on defense when you won't be able to rush in easily (except when looping).

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