Everything You Need to Know About Diablo 4 Cross Platform

Will Diablo 4 Cross Platform

Maybe there are still people wondering whether Diablo 4 will be cross-platform. Not without reason, but definitely because you want to play it on another platform.

Apart from that, because this isometric game pioneer is already legendary and has a wide fanbase.

Well, this time the author will review this, let's read the complete review!

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Diablo and His Legacy

Diablo's gameplay is imitated by many other games
Diablo's gameplay is imitated by many other games. Source: Official Site

If there are still game fans who don't understand the masters of the Action RPG (ARPG) genre, it's a sign that it's really outdated.

Yep, this lineup, which is thick with gore, has become one of the foundations of the modern gaming industry.

With its unique innovation, Diablo successfully enriched the gaming repertoire: the first title to popularize the dungeon theme.

Not a few game titles are inspired by this style and create their own ARPG titles.

However, according to the western proverb which says: "The OG is always the best", those who are most original are the best.

And this is proven by his ability Blizzard as the developer, maintained the existence of this game until its fourth sequel.

Of course, this is not without reason, but because of the franchise Diablo is one of the most successful lineups in modern gaming history. Since its first release in 1997, a total of 100 million copies of all its titles have been sold.

And keep in mind that this is only a report up to 2020 (Diablo 1-3), you know! It is very likely that this figure will jump even further if the latest accumulated sales (including Diablo 4) are counted!

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Diablo Multiplatform

Diablo 4 Characters
Diablo 4 Characters. Source: Official Site

This fantastic figure is the result of the developer's success in porting to many platforms.

Yep, Diablo is Blizzard's golden child who was reluctant to be exclusive on one platform, even from the beginning of its "birth".

Until the latest installation, a total of more than 10 platforms can access the entire lineup.

Starting from on-desk setup (PC – Windows, Classic Mac OS, macOS), console (1, 3, 4, & 5; Xbox 360, One & Series S/X), handheld (Nintendo Switch), even mobile (Diablo Immortal – Android and iOS).

Seeing that it can be accessed on many (multi) platforms, it would be even more exciting if this game was also equipped with cross-platform/progression features. So, will Diablo 4 be Cross Platform?

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Diablo 4 Cross Platform

Diablo 4 Multi and Cross Platform Gameplay
Diablo 4 Multi and Cross Platform Gameplay. Source: Official Site

What needs to be underlined first is the difference between the concepts of 'multi' and 'cross' platforms.

Like the Diablo titles above, all of them are 'multi' platform games because they can be played not only on one (exclusive) platform.

However, not all Diablo lineups are 'cross' platform games. As we know, this feature provides the opportunity for players to be able to continue their game from any console they choose because of its saving which relies on cloud facilities.

As a result, players can change platforms according to their preferences and comfort! This is a mandatory feature due to current industry demands.

So the question remains, will this feature be acquired by Blizzard and applied to the newest Diablo lineup? The answer: of course!

Reported and translated from Blizzard's official page, they stated that "Diablo 4 is a game that supports the cross-progression feature, so every item that is open on one platform (for example: PC) can also later be available on other platforms (for example: Xbox and/or Playstation)”.

Of course, this feature is a breakthrough and innovation for Blizzard, which is also good news for Diablo fans wherever they are. Reflecting on their experience at Blizzcon 2018, the developer has learned to listen to the requests of its hardcore fanbase.

Kudos to Blizzard! That way Diablo gamers can play their favorite game more freely from any platform!

Also read: Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.1 Release Date: Buff, Nerf to Revamp

So, that was the discussion regarding Diablo 4's cross platform features Vicigers If you don't have this game, you can buy it on Steam.

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