Final Fantasy Brave Exvius has various summons from the series FinalFantasy, one of which is Cloud of Darkness with 6 Star type.
Final Fantasy fans, of course, already know that Cloud of Darkness is a boss in various Final Fantasy series, one of which is the final boss in FF III.
This time, VCGamers will discuss Cloud of Darkness 6 Star in the Final Fantasy mobile game, namely FF Brave Exvius. Curious about the stats? Come on, see the discussion below!
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Cloud of Darkness 6 Star

Cloud of Darkness 6 Star or CoD is one of the characters in the game Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. CoD has rarity from 3 stars to 6 stars.
CoD has a role, namely as a Physical Attacker and also as a Support. You can get CoD 6 Stars through Rare Summons, namely events, promotions, and special summons.
This character is not a limited character so players can get CoD relatively easily. With race as a Reaper, this character has TMR or Trust Master Rewards in the form of Auto-Limit.
Auto-Limit is a special passive that has a unique effect. The resulting effect of Auto-Limit is increasing the LB gauge (1) every turn.
A little trivia about this character, actually CoD is the final boss character in another Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy III.
Not only that, there are also other Final Fantasy games that provide Cloud of Darkness as a boss. For example, you can fight him in Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy V, and so on Final Fantasy XIV.
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Cloud of Darkness stat 6 Stars

Cloud of Darkness 6 star has pretty good stats. His base ATK is 149, plus +34 from pots, and has +50% ATK from passive skills so it reaches 274 ATK.
Unfortunately, Cloud of Darkness 6 Star has a choice of equipment that isn't very good as an attacker. Equipment available for CoD 6 Star is Staves, Tods, Maces, Clothes, and Hats.
There is no very strong weapon type so you can only use the Fixed Dice build to provide options damage which is strong enough.
CoD 6 Star's skill set is pretty good, but currently it's not that strong because other characters can get stronger.
The skill that can help this character is Protectga which gives AoE 3 Turn and +40% DEF. Protectga can provide buff status and also Aura Ball which gives AoE 3 Turn and +30% ATK Debuff complete with 40% Silence.
As support, of course there are skills that can help, namely Return as a skill to heal various negative effects such as Confuse, Blind, Sleep, Paralyze, and others.
Furthermore, there is also the AoE Elemental Resist Buff owned by CoD 6 Star. However, overall, this character is not that strong according to reviews Defiant Hermit via a post on the Exvius Wiki.
Therefore, players don't really need Cloud of Darkness 6 Star in this game. As a DPS unit, there are lots of DPS that beat CoD 6 Star's stats and skillset.
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Regarding Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is a game role-playing and free strategy developed by Alim and published by Square Enix.
This game is available for various mobile platforms, especially iOS, Android, and also Amazon Fire. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius or FFBE is a spin-off game from the Final Fantasy series.
This first collaborative effort between Square-Enix and Alim came out in 2015 for Japan and 2016 for the rest of the world.
This Final Fantasy game provides features that are easier and accessible to mobile platform users.
According to the official page Playstore, FFBE provides convenience for gameplay such as touch to attack and combine various magic powers.
Not only that, the available animations are also of high quality and show a wide variety summons in the Final Fantasy series.
For example, you can summon Cloud of Darkness, who usually becomes a boss in the Final Fantasy series.
Thus a brief discussion regarding Cloud of Darkness 6 Star in the game Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, I hope this is useful.
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