Andrew's character

In game Free Fire has a variety of characters who have different skills as well. There is one character in the game Free Fire which really caught the attention of the players.
The reason is, apart from having skills strong, this character can be obtained for free. This character is Andrew, as a police officer for justice.
Andrew's character is described as a 42-year-old man. Who would have thought that the zodiac owned by Andrew is Capricorn? Many people think about Andrew's character.
Andrew is known as a drunk, angry and also has a messy appearance.
However, it turns out that he is someone who has a high sense of responsibility and justice. He has very strong principles for seeking the truth and also in upholding justice.
The activity carried out by this character is to catch the roaming criminals.
Andrew always wears a singlet, because this singlet is his lucky bearer. He has won many matches wearing this singlet.
This character is one of the favorite characters in the game Free Fire, because it can be obtained easily, use skills easy, and perfect for beginners.
When in fashion squad, Andrew's character can be rushers or tankers who advances first and injures the enemy. Players can also use Andrew's character in difficult situations and circumstances, due to his stronger immune system.
In order to maximize Andrew's abilities, players must play his character properly.
There are several ways that players can do when using this character in the game Free Fire, of them wear vest at the start of the game, play this Andrew character in an aggressive way because this character has a fairly high defense.
Combined with other characters, then the last thing is to level up this character to maximize the abilities they have.
Andrew's skills

As a police officer, skills or the ability given to Andrew is also not separated from basic his profession.
Andrew's special ability is named armor specialist, this is the reason why Andrew's character is one of the OP characters in the game Free Fire.
This skill that Andrew has will increase the durability of the player's armor. The players can collect memory Fragments Andrew in order to increase his skills to level 6.
Players can upgrade skills by raising the level of Andrew's character. Following are the six levels of Andrew's character level with specialist armor skills that is :
- Level 1: Increase in armor resistance by 2%, can be unlocked when the character is at level 1.
- Level 2: Armor power defense level increased by 4%, unlocked when character is at level 2.
- Level 3: Armor power defense has increased by 6%, can be unlocked when this character is at level 3.
- Level 4: Increased armor resistance by 8%, players can get it when they are at level 4.
- Level 5: The durability of the armor has increased by 10% , players can get it when they are at level 6.
- Level 6: Increased armor resistance by 12%, can be unlocked when this character is at level 8.

skills that Andrew's character has is very important in battle. Because by using skills this, Andrew can reduce damage originating from enemy attacks.
Until armor specialist possessed by Andrew will not be easily penetrated by enemies, so Andrew is able to receive attacks many times.
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How to get it, bro?
How to get Andrew's character is fairly easy to get, because this character can be obtained for free and also only by login only players can get this one character.
For beginners or new players only need to complete the mission for beginners by playing several games to get this character for free.
Players can also get this character cheaply or even for free by participating in missions events or spins luck royale.
In addition, if the player likes bundle worn by Andrew, players can buy Officer Andrew Bundle with 2600 diamonds.