Barbara Genshin Impact is 4 star character which you can get for free or you could say is the standard character given to players at the start games.
Barbara included underrated because it's rare for players to play this character either as a DPS or support healer.
Although not the best character that has been released by Genshin Impact, Barbara has quite unique potential.
You can make it full healer as well as many players who make this character a DPS as well.
Read more about the discussion build Barbara Genshin Impact as support healer as well as DPS.
Barbara Genshin Impact Build Recommendations
This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, to team recommendations that are suitable for build Barbara Genshin Impact.
Artifact The recommended ones are adjusted according to already released artifacts, where new artifacts will be added along the way updates Genshin Impact.
Skill Priority for Barbara Genshin Impact Build

Barbara Genshin Impact is a character that uses hydro element with Catalyst weapons.
Barbara's Normal Attack consists of 4 consecutive attacks that grant Hydro damage to the enemy.
Using Barbara's Charged Attack will also deal AoE Hydro DMG to nearby enemies.
Elemental Skill from Barbara, namely Let the Show Begin, Barbara will create a loop named Melody Loop.
Melody Loops will deal Hydro DMG to the enemy and apply a “wet' status.
The Melody Loop function can also restore the HP of characters on the team based on Barbara's maximum HP.
If you have managed to get a passive talent that is glory season, all characters in Barbara's Melody Loop will have their stamina usage reduced.
This is suitable for characters who use a lot of Charged Attacks such as yanfei, Childe, nor Arataki Itto.
And also with Barbara's fast HP recovery, you can use Barbara in almost any combination as a team healer.

Elemental Burst from Barbara namely Shining Miracle, Barbara will heal HP to full quickly. This depends on HP Max Barbara.
For build Barbara Genshin Impact as support healer, you can prioritize skills Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill together.
You can maximize one first depending on your needs. If you need more healer, you can maximize Elemental Bursts first.
However, if you want to try build Barbara as DPS, you can try to prioritize Normal Attack > Elemental Skill > Elemental Burst.
Also Read: Glossary of Terms in Genshin Impact, Beginners Must Know So Pros!
Artifacts Suitable for Build Barbara Genshin Impact

Stats what you should prioritize for Barbara Genshin Impact build support are HP or HP%, Energy Recharge, and Elemental Mastery.
You don't need Goblet artifacts with the Hydro DMG Bonus because when you use your Barbara you will be used to it more often healing and triggers elemental reactions with Hydro.
So you have to maximize Elemental Mastery for Barbara.
Energy Recharge is needed so you can easily use Burst Barbara which will support other characters.
For Barbara DPS, just like other DPS characters such as Childe, Kamisato Ayato, or Sangonomiya Kokomi, you can usually prioritize Crit Rate/DMG, ATK or ATK%, and Hydro DMG Bonus.
The most recommended artifact for Barbara Genshin Impact as support healer can use artifact sets Ocean-Hued Clam.
This Ocean-Hued Clam set would also be great to use for healer like Kokomi. 2 sets will give +15% Healing Bonus.
Explanation 4 sets this in the artifact explanation column is so long that many players find it difficult to understand what the functions of these 4 sets are.
Outline 4 sets it will activate when the character uses the ability healing a mechanic named will appear Sea-Dyed Foam.
Sea-Dyed Foam will collect the total HP given to the process healing character in party. After the duration runs out, Sea-Dyed Foam will exploding deals DMG of 90% in total HP dealt at the time healing just now.
If you build as a DPS, you can use Heart of Depth or Wanderer's Troupe.
4 sets Wanderer's Troupe artifact for Polearm and Bow weapon users as it will increase Charged Attack DMG +35%.
4 sets Heart of Depth will Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG 30% each with a duration of 15 seconds.
This bonus can be triggered after Barbara uses an Elemental Skill.
Also Read: Guide to Genshin Impact Artifact Sets, You Must Know Their Uses!
Weapon Recommendations for Build Barbara Genshin Impact

Recommended 5 star weapon for Barbara Genshin Impact can use Everlasting Moonglow on Barbara support.
Skyward Atlas, Kagura Verity. Or Lost Prayer to Sacred Wind for build Barbara DPS.
Like DPS in general, Barbara needs additional high ATK and Crit Rate or Crit DMG to get optimal DMG that you can get from 5 star weapon mentioned.
For Everlasting Moonglow to Barbara support very good because it adds HP stat.
This weapon also increases Healing Bonus 10-20%, Normal ATK DMG is 1-3% from Barbara's maximum HP.
A 4 star weapon suitable for build Barbara Genshin Impact quite a variety and you can adjust to your needs. Widsith can be a very suitable choice with Barbara even Prototype Agate can.
For support You can use the F2P Prototype Amber weapon that you can easily make.
Even 3 star weapons like Thrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers can you make a choice for Barbara.