FF BNL's Beard, An Old Item That Players Hunt

FF beard

Of course, you old players are familiar with an item called Old Man's Mask FF or the more familiar name Beard FF BNL.

Free Fire which is games made by Garena is currently one of them games The most popular Battle Royale in Indonesia.

Games This 2017 release has succeeded in stealing the attention of the audience gamers especially mobile device users. Even, games it has won the most number of downloads in 2019 globally.

As a developer, Garena always presents interesting things in every game updatesto make the players enjoy it even more games this shootout.

This interesting thing can be in the form of presence new character, new features, or even collaboration with various parties that make the players more enthusiastic.

Several phenomenal collaborations have also been carried out by Free Fire, such as with artists, iconic series Money Heist, with games Assassin's Creed, and much more.

One of the things that Garena always presents at games is the presence of a variety of unique and interesting items which of course make the game more exciting.

So, this time we will review an item called Old Man's Mask FF or who is more familiar with the FF BNL Beard.

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A Glimpse of the FF BNL Beard

FF beard
FF beard

As you all know, there are lots of interesting items in games Free Fire and in every update, Garena often adds new items.

One of the items in games The Battle Royale is a FF beard with the name Old Man's Mask FF which is an old item.

So, for those of you who are new players, maybe you are not really familiar with this beard item. On the other hand, for older players who follow the release date of this item, of course they are familiar with this one item.

Because the FF beard is an old item, it makes many players hunt for this item.

Just like collectors who like to collect antiques, players who own these old and rare items can be a source of pride.

This FF beard item is an item in the form of a white beard which is very similar to Santa Clause. So, it's no wonder that many players call it the Santa Clause beard.

Some time ago, there was a rumor that Garena plans to re-release these old items. This is also what makes many players, both old and new players, return to hunt for this beard item.

So, if this news is true, surely you will find this Old Man's Mask FF item in a shop or shop. Not only that, there was also a rumor that you can get this item through Crate.

However, if you want to get this FF beard right away, you can use Config for free as an alternative. The config has also been widely circulated on the internet which makes it even easier to search.

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Reasons Many Players are Looking for FF BNL Beards

FF beard
FF's Beard (Source: Booyah.co.id)

Items in-game become something that all players cannot miss. With unique and interesting items, the playing experience can be even more exciting and it is not impossible that these items can help gameplay player.

In addition, there are also items in-game which maybe just as an addition to make the character's appearance look unique and even cool. So, the Old Man's Mask FF item might be one of them.

Because the name of this item is a little difficult to pronounce, many players prefer to call it the FF beard, considering that the shape is indeed a beard.

Not only that, this item also has another designation, namely the BNL beard item. You might be wondering why some people call it a BNL beard.

So, here is an explanation as well as the reason why many players are hunting for this beard item.

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FF's Beard is an Old Item

As mentioned earlier, FF's beard is an old and rare item that makes players hunt for it a lot. Old players must have known this item very well because they followed the release date.

It's been 4 years since the initial release of the Old Man's Mask FF item in 2018 to be precise. The presence of such items as rewards for events Free Fire Christmas in the same year.

Popularized by One Youtuber

This one reason may be the main reason why many Indonesian players call the Old Man's Mask FF item the FF BNL beard.

The reason is, there is one content creator gaming who often use this item makes this beard item increasingly popular.

The figure is a YouTuber with a name channels BNL which is a Youtuber originating from the Middle East. This Free Fire YouTuber is already quite famous because now he has a number subscriber around 7.7 million.

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Want to have an appearance like BNL

Still related to the previous point, one of the reasons for wanting to have this FF beard is wanting to have the appearance of a BNL YouTuber. It's only natural that this happens considering that figure is what makes this item even more popular.

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