Activate Your 2 Grenade Slots in Free Fire Right Now!

separate grenade slots

Grenade Slots

Grenades are tools used in the game Free Fire. Grenade weapons use throwing techniques. Grenades can be useful for attacking opponents from afar. Now,, this time the good news is that there are two grenade slots!

How to Activate Grenades

There is a time lag needed for a grenade before its function is active, besides that there is also a technique when throwing it.

The distance and aim of throwing must be very accurately predicted by the player, so he knows when the grenade will explode

If you throw it too fast, the grenade will not function optimally and the opponent will notice that the grenade is there, so the opponent will avoid it.

Meanwhile, if there is too long a time lag, the grenade will explode in the air or even explode around you and harm you. The most important thing is the direction of the grenade throw. Make sure to point towards the opponent.

Don't even carelessly use grenades, when the situation is not too threatening the player only needs to shoot the rifle at the opponent, the grenade can be stored and used in a critical situation.

For example, in a large and open location, using grenades will create a conspicuous situation and will instead be slaughtered by your opponent.

Then, when is the right time to throw a grenade so that it becomes a surefire anti-losing move for players? A narrow area is the answer!

When in a narrow place, players can throw grenades at opponents, this can be a tactic so that opponents can get very badly burned. An accurate estimate of the grenade will explode and throw it through the window when the opponent is there, being the right move to make the opponent lose!

The advantage of having 2 Grenade Slots

Here are the advantages of fashion gloo wall and Free Fire (FF) grenades, and it's better for us to know and keep doing it. As we know this type is the best, most effective and profitable for players.

Besides that, there are several new features in the Free Fire game with a cool appearance, which can be an attraction that players must try.

This cool looking feature gives an advantage to all players. The following are the advantages of having a button separation gloo wall and Free Fire (FF) grenades.

Game Feels Easier

As a result of this tampi, we can easily compete with our opponents in critical situations. Not only that, because to make it easier for players to play, of course, strength glowwall and grenades could be better.

Of course, by following the steps below, it will allow players to get many interesting opportunities that will be felt too.

All that is done is to separate the buttons. Become something important and appropriate to make it easier when playing.

Can Know Main Project Easier

Now,, here players can find out items directly, different from the usual players always see items through backpacks

If you already know the remaining parts of the item, this feature will make it easier for players to digest the intent. The same number will be displayed on the 2 existing grenade slots and numbers.

In the end 2 slots the grenade will display the same number. will see the number showing the remaining amount glowwall and Grenades.

Things like this should be considered more, so that in the future players don't feel lacking and are confident when you play.

Spam Gets Faster

When the player will trash using Gloo Wall and Grenades at the same time. Then the function of the two grenade slots will be very helpful.

In situations and conditions like that, the player must decide to choose a weapon quickly. The player must immediately change the choice of use items the one bearing the grenade will also be after installation Gloo wall.

Anti-hassle, Just Open and Choose

Previously, players could find out if they needed to open it first and select an item, when the two grenade slot features had not been displayed Garena.

But if for now it's all done, then things like that will help you play later.

There will be nothing that bothers you, when you have done this and you will get the benefits. Gloo wall at the top and Grenades at the bottom.

Also read: Thanks to the Wind of the Vale, the Enemy Wiped Out! See How!

Now,, how? It's definitely fun with the look of the game Free Fire which is now? Try to write your opinion in the comments column, Vicigers!

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