These are the Changes to the Latest PUBG PC Update 21.1

Update PUBG PC

Are you gamer PUBG on a laptop or PC? There are several PUBG PC updates that you need to know about during December 2022. Where there will be many changes to the map and gameplay system.

The PC version of PUBG was released earlier than the mobile version. Not only that, the PC version of PUBG is more exciting! At least you won't be playing while feeling the heat in your hands like when you play on a cellphone.

PUBG PC it is perfect for gamers who are used to keyboard and mouse. Playing music from a PC will be more satisfying because the screen used is bigger.

Currently, the PUBG PC update has just released an update for the game server. Well, one of the patch notes released on this game is amazing, PUBG PC 21.1 will bring Vikendi Reborn.

Update PUBG PC for Patch Note 21.1

There are several changes that will be in the PUBG PC 21.1 update. Where FPP queues for Solo, Duo, and Squad are no longer available in the KR/JP area. However, for Indonesian servers there will still be.

Vikendi maps are back 

Vikendi Cancel Release
Latest Vikendi. Source: VCGamers.

Good news for PUBG gamers on PC, that the Vikendi map will be making a comeback, aka reborn in the PUBG PC 21.1 update. For those of you who have missed and waited a long time for this map, the day to return has finally arrived before our eyes.

Some of the changes in the Vikendi Reborn Map are as follows;

  • Vikendi will be the Featured Map. 
  • Map area from 6×6 KM to 8X8 KM.
  • It consists of various environments such as glaciers, snowfields and greenery. Presents steep slopes and heavy snow in the north, with relatively less snow and flatter terrain in the south. 
  • Shows sunnier and cloudy weather.

When Krafton revived the snowy Vikendi Map concept, however, there were some changes in it, where the white snow would be buffed. To solve this problem, Krafton has tested the map and reduced the white color. 

Even Krafton revealed that he had adjusted the overall topography of Vikendi for the convenience of playing for gamers in the PUBG PC 21.1 update.

Apart from changes to the map structure, one cool additional feature is the cable car and camp lab. These two features will be the flagship PUBG PC 21.1 update. So that later players will be more beta playing on the Vikendi map.


Update PUBG PC
Update PUBG PC. Source: Youtube.

PUBG PC has more realistic graphics than the HP version. At the beginning of the game, players will fly with a fighter jet. Players are free to determine where to land.

When you arrive safely, you can loot weapons, clothing, and other items. Weapons can be found in the surrounding buildings.

Use the found weapons as much as possible. Players have to go from place to place to find their enemies. 

At the start of the game, the map is still wide, but players don't have to be in the same place. There will be a game area to be dropped at the end of each one.

The players who are in the sports area are guaranteed to be safe so they don't break. Outside the game zone, players will continue to take damage, causing continuous HP reduction.

During the game, players don't have to worry about running out of ammo. Players can loot items owned by other dead players. However, you have to be careful when looting. 

At this point, a screen will appear showing the equipment that can be loaded. One is in recovery. Therefore, make sure there are no opponents around so you don't get attacked suddenly.

Because the playing field will continue to shrink to reduce player movement. Normally now, there weren't that many players left alive. This narrow area will make it difficult for players to move positions. 

The greatness of the player can be seen now. The player or team that can survive the last time, will get the title of Chicken Dinner, aka the winner.

Also read: Aim Is a Shooting Skill in PUBG, Here's How!

Terms of Playing PUBG PC

PUBG location
Play PUBG games on PC. Source: VCGamers.

If you want to play on the PUBG PC 21.1 update, you must meet several requirements on the laptop or PC that you are using.

Make sure your PC meets the minimum specifications so you can play the emulator well. Here are the minimum details:

  • OS : Windows 7, 8, 10
  • CPU : Dual core Intel or AMD 1.8GHz
  • RAM : 3GB
  • DirectX : 9.0c
  • Hard disk: minimum 1 GB

The advantage of playing PUBG on PC is a large screen to play with the possibility of a small battery. Playing PUBG on a laptop is also an option if your cellphone's performance is too slow.

That's the info regarding the latest PUBG PC update on the latest December 21.1 patch for December 2022. Don't miss updating.

Also read: Important Items You Must Get When Looting PUBG

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