Not all locations Free Fire safe to play. You need to find out the best Free Fire locations to be able to play safely. Here, we have prepared especially for Vicigers friends.
Looting quietly in Free Fire is the dream of many players. No one wants to land and struggle to secure loot while being shot at by enemies.
As it stands, the goal of the early game isn't to fight but rather to gather supplies. Being shot slows down this task.
Luckily, there are lots of Free Fire locations where you can loot without much worry. While enemies cannot be completely avoided, they will be far and few between.
List of Free Fire Locations To Play Safely
Moathouse (Purgatory)

Moathouse is one of the most serene and beautiful Free Fire locations to land. Surrounded by water on all sides, this is a haven for players to play it safe. It also holds quite a bit of loot for the entire squad.
Moathouse is a location located in the middle of a lake north of Map Purgatory. Apparently, in the real world Moathouse is one of the tourist sites in the country of Slovenia. Just like in the real world, indeed the view of the Moathouse area in Free Fire has beautiful views.
While these Free Fire locations are great for a safe early game, you should rotate as soon as possible. Staying on this small island after the safety zone starts to shrink is not a good idea.
Ski Lodge (Purgatory)

Ski Lodge is located on the eastern edge of the map. Ski Lodge is a quiet Free Fire location with lots of loot to find. However, you have to be careful when you are inside big buildings because there are lots of open spaces.
After you finish looting, you should move to the center. You can follow the trail north of the Ski Lodge or cut the trees for better cover.
Samurai Gardens (Bermuda Reloaded)

Samurai Garden is one of the most beautiful Free Fire locations in the Bermuda map. The main structure on this small island is surrounded by cherry trees and lots of loot can be found inside.
Samurai Garden is also one of the new locations that arrived, during the Bermuda Remastered Map Update yesterday. Yup, the presence of this update brings lots of prizes and cool things, as well as the appearance of the Samurai Garden, huh. Of course this is the location that was replaced from Sentosa.
Given its position on the edge of the island, aggressive opponents don't visit the area. This makes the location safe for passive players and newcomers to Free Fire.
Saint Catherine (Kalahari)

The Santa Catarina area and the ship itself are amazing drop off locations. While it's not the safest in the game, it's great for passive players. With lots of loot and lots of structures to take cover, survival is guaranteed.
Santa Catarina is a region located east of the Kalahari map. The neighborhood has several buildings shaped like castles. On the other hand, Santa Catarina has a large ship that has been destroyed. In this location you can find good loot.
However, after looting is complete, you must be careful when rotating. Since the Command Post and Confinement were located nearby, encounters with opponents would become commonplace.
Also read: Top 5 Best Landing Spots on the Free Fire Bermuda Map for Beginners
Rim Nam Village (Bermuda)

The village of Rim Nam in the original Free Fire Bermuda map is a peaceful place. Located on the southwest side of the island, it is a little paradise for passive players. With so many places to hide, lots of loot, and easy rotations, this is probably the best in the game.
However, once you're done looting, you'll need to rotate carefully as two major hot-drop zones are nearby. Opponents from Hanger and Clock Tower rotate the area frequently to secure more kills.
Also read: The 5 Best Pets in Free Fire February 2022
Those are some of the best Free Fire locations to play it safe. The Free Fire locations that we mentioned earlier are perfect for those of you who are beginners and just starting to play.