Wow, There's a Special Place in Erangel Loh!

erangel maps

Hola Vicigers! Folder or the first map that comes on battle royale gamesPlayer Unknown's Battleground or so-called PUBG is folder or map Erangel For sure, the players PUBG already familiar with the name Erangel this.

Folder or map Erangel on PUBG games it has quite a large area in comparison with folder or any other map. Folder or this famous map has an area size of 8×8 km.

Characteristics of folder or this map is plain land accompanied by grass and also hills. Percentage of land area folder or map Erangel this is about 51.2%. A mix of cities, towns, power plants, and military sites is featured in Erangel.

Besides folder or map Erangel, PUBG Mobile present some folder or other maps too, like Miramar which has the same area as Erangel with a desert environment.

There is also a folder or map Sanhok which is smaller than folder or other maps in PUBG Mobile i.e. 4×4 km. Folder or this map shows lush greenery with various kinds of buildings and a fairly wide river.

Then on PUBG Mobile there is also a folder or map Vikendi which is famous for its snowy weather, with an area of 6×6 km. Folder or this map is not very wide but quite wider in comparison to folder or map Sanhok.

Folder or other maps contained in PUBG Mobile games is folder or map Venice and Romania. The reason is, players rarely play and fight in folder or this map. There are also many players who don't know folder or this map.

City Zharki On Maps Erangel

As we know, there are a lot of them folder or the map contained in PUBG Mobile games. Besides that, apparently there were also many various kinds of places inside folder or the map. One of them is City Zharki who are inside folder or map Erangel.

Folder or map Erangel in PUBG Mobile games this is folder favorite for players. Folder or this map get map poll best in PUBG Mobile. Because, folder or map Erangel it offers a lot of advantages. One of them, is the City Zharki contained within the region Erangel map.

City Zharki on Erangel map it features a fairly wide plain, trees with fallen leaves around it, and also giant windmills or wind turbines that make it feel like the Netherlands.

The players will not encounter an atmosphere like the atmosphere in the city Zharki this in other cities or regions in folder or map Erangel. City Zharki this is like hidden gems because it displays a truly beautiful city.

Don't stop there, Kota Zharki it also displays other uniqueness. There is one spot in this beautiful city, which is under a shady tree with fallen leaves around it, where players usually call it. Picnic Spot.

Right on the spot, there is a complete package garden picnic accompanied by a red carpet that really describes the atmosphere of a real picnic. Besides that, details details Small things like tea, bread and other foods also really add to the feel of a real picnic.

On the red carpet there is also an old radio, and this is the most unique thing about it Picnic Spot in the city Zharki. The reason is, if the player approaches the old radio on the red carpet, the radio will really emit beautiful music.

Not infrequently the players deliberately come to Picnic Spot in the city Zharki this is none other than the aim is to enjoy the atmosphere of a picnic with other players, accompanied by music and the beauty of the City Zharki which is very soothing.

How about you? Tried coming to the City Zharki and enjoy the beautiful picnic atmosphere with the team yet? If not, let's invite your team to visit this place and enjoy the unique atmosphere of folder or map Erangel in PUBG Mobile!

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