How to Assemble a Team in Game Hero Wars

Assemble the Hero Wars Team

Hero Wars is a mobile game that has RPG genre and presents the battle between teams. Therefore, for those of you who want to assemble a strong Hero Wars team to defeat other enemies in the game. We will help you to make it happen.

Before assembling a team for Hero Wars you must know about the Hero Wars team system.

In this guide to assembling a Hero Wars team, we will explain how to actually form a battle-ready squad. 

Apart from that, we will also discuss the best character combinations for the team.

So, without further ado, let's take a look at the following explanation!

What is Team Hero Wars?

Assemble the Hero Wars Team
What is Team Hero Wars. Source: Play Store

The Hero Wars Team is a group of characters that you will use in battle. 

You can choose up to five characters in a team. However, at first you can only start with one character. 

After you get to a higher level, the slots for the characters you can choose will increase. 

Each hero has its own role in battle. For example, Galahad (starting character) will act as a tank, he will be tasked with absorbing all incoming damage. Or other heroes like Thea who have strong damage.

So, in assembling a Hero Wars team, you have to pay attention to the combination according to the needs of the team.

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Setting in Assembling the Best Hero Wars Team

Assemble the Hero Wars Team
Hero Wars Team Composition Settings. Source: Youtube/Hero Wars

In the Hero Wars game there are more than 100 characters, so it will be difficult to determine the best combination for the team.

Also, each character has a different role, so you have to create a balanced team. 

You need to know that there are several hero roles, including Tank, Warrior, Marksman, Support, Control, Mage, Healer.

One important combination that you have to enter is the hero from the Tank, Warrior, and Healer roles. And the remaining two remaining slots you can adjust to your needs.

Traditional RPG game settings like that only require three of the five character slots that you have. Sometimes you can also take a more defensive team format. 

Like using two tanks or two healers (or both ) in place of an additional damage dealer.

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How to Assemble a Hero Wars Team

Assemble the Hero Wars Team
How to Make a Hero Wars Team. Source: Youtube/Hero Wars

At the initial level, you can't form your own team yet, so the team formation is done automatically.

You can only periodically unlock one-slot team capacity upgrade. And when the slot opens, you can automatically build a team with more team members.

Once you have more slots, then you can make edits to the Hero Wars team before jumping into battle.

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Well, that's our discussion this time about how to build a Hero Wars team. Hopefully this article can help you in playing the Hero Wars game.

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