How to Increase the Chances of Winning When Solo Vs Squad FF

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Check this article to find out more about how to fight multiple enemies in Free Fire MAX effectively. Or rather, how to increase your chances of winning solo vs squad FF.

Situations tend to get tricky when you are the last person standing on the team. Fighting multiple enemies at the same time is always a big challenge, as they will usually beat you in a firefight. However, with the right strategy and luck, it is still possible to get Booyah.

In this article, VCGamers will show you the best tips and tricks to increase your chances of winning in FF solo vs squad battles.

Tricks to Win Solo vs Squad FF

Free Fire players can enter a solo vs squad FF situation due to choice or coincidence. This can happen if the user decides to play a solo vs squad FF match or their entire squad dies during the initial match.

Regardless of how they got into the situation, the objective of the match was to survive to the end. This task is easier said than done. However, despite being outnumbered and outgunned, there are still ways to fight back effectively during a match.

Beware of the Surroundings

Solo Vs Squad FF
Free Fire

When it's solo vs squad FF, you have to be aware of the arena around you and keep looking with range.

Make sure to pay attention to everyone when starting your attack, when you are up against one person, their teammates can hit you from another angle. This will usually cause failure in solo vs squad FF.

With the enemy squad having superior numbers, their confidence level was high. They feel invincible and are willing to blindly pursue their targets. You can use this to your advantage to get the upper hand in battle.

Instead of facing your squad head-on, you can place land mines and draw your enemies towards them. With a bit of luck and maneuvers, they can lead the whole team to the kill zone and get a solo vs squad FF win.

Use SMG In Close Combat

Solo Vs Squad FF

When engaging enemy troops in close combat, Free Fire players must use SMG. The rate of fire of the weapon will ensure that the bullets don't stop flying and will keep enemies away.

While there are many options, Vector Akimbo and UMP are by far the best. Vector Akimbo can display enemies on the spot due to the number of shots per second. Meanwhile, the UMP deals armor-piercing damage. This weapon will render armor useless and deal more damage.

Engage Remotely

Solo Vs Squad FF
Long distance

It's best to try to shoot enemies from long/medium range rather than getting close to them if you're the only one left. By doing this, you can reduce the risk of backlash.

Furthermore, if the enemy team were to counterattack, it was fairly easy to escape and hide. Getting a good sniper gun is essential for this strategy, such as a DMR or sniper.

Profitable spots and choke points are your friends. The first lets you scout the entire battlefield for enemy positions. While the second allows you to get an easy kill.

Stay Near the Edge of the Zone

Solo Vs Squad FF

When fighting multiple opponents, the shrinking zone will actually become your biggest enemy, as if forcing yourself out of position and into the clutches of the enemy. This is why you need to play around with it.

To take advantage of the zone, the best thing to do is stay close to its edges. By doing so, you will eliminate half of the enemy's possible attack angles.

This also gave a tactical advantage to the men retreating to the safe zone. Most of the time, you should be able to catch them as they are probably more concerned about getting in than shooting you. Be prepared to walk away from it yourself when the zone shrinks even further.

Also read: To Be Good at Solo Rank in FF, Do Some of These Tips!

Use Frag Grenades to Distract Enemies

Solo Vs Squad FF

Normal exploding frag grenades are a great tool for rushing in FF solo vs squad mode, distracting enemies so you can maneuver. Below are some things you should remember:

  • Only use Frag grenades if you know an enemy is in that location. Do not waste.
  • Throw a grenade so that it immediately explodes if you get close enough.
  • Grenades are the best tool to finish knocking enemies.
  • You can jump while throwing grenades to increase their range.
  • Try to open the fight with grenades to increase the chance of damaging the enemy.

If an enemy squad is nearby but haven't seen the players yet, they have two options to choose from. They can let the enemy team pass quietly or use the element of surprise to attack.

While letting them pass was a safe option, attacking an unsuspecting squad would yield beneficial results.

Given their lack of awareness, the opponent would definitely take damage. If players are lucky, they can obliterate their opponent and escape before the enemy counterattacks.

Also read: The Best Combination of Free Fire MAX Weapons for Solo vs Squad

So, that's the way to increase your chances of winning in solo vs squad FF conditions. Don't panic and you can't even handle it. Good luck!

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