The Meaning of Check Out and Other Terms in Online Shopping? Must Know!

check out meaning

For those of you who are used to shopping online like in VCGamers Marketplace, maybe already familiar not about the meaning of check out.

But, there are many terms in online shopping that you also need to know. This term can help you when you want to shop online.

As is known, offline and online shopping have quite different meanings and systems.

An offline purchasing system is possible when you buy goods collectively and pay for goods directly.

But, unlike when shopping online in the marketplace, we will find the term check out.

Curious about what check out means? Let's discuss it thoroughly in the following article.

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Meaning of Check Out in Online Shopping

check out meaning
Source: Bangdus

Check out is a process to continue purchasing goods online, which is carried out by the buyer to complete the goods he has purchased.

When buyers check out, they can get the opportunity to choose a shipping service that will be used to deliver goods to their chosen destination.

In addition, there are also payment methods that can be chosen to make it easier when buying goods.

Then, then why do people like sellers and buyers use this check out term?

This term is often used by parties who are making buying and selling transactions, maybe this is intended to be faster and also deliberately to shorten it.

For those of you who have just heard the term check out, now you don't need to be confused anymore to know what checking out means.

Apart from the term check out, there are still a number of terms that you should know when shopping online. Here are some terms of online shopping.

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Other Terms Online Shopping

check out meaning
Source: Lifestyle. Compass

There are still several other terms in buying and selling online that you need to know. Here's the list:

PO (Pre-Order)

Pre Order is ordering a product or item because the product is not yet available/empty.

Sellers can do this because it can be caused by empty stock or the product is not ready yet, so buyers must pre-order to ensure we don't run out of these items.

COD (Cash On Delivery)

Cash On Delivery or COD is one of the payment system terms or transactions that are carried out when the goods have reached the buyer's hands.

This means that this payment system is carried out directly when the goods arrive at your place.

Ready Stock

The term that is often used to indicate if the product or goods sold by the seller are still available, so that consumers can immediately buy the product they want without having to wait long.

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Direct Message (DM)

DM or direct message is a term that is often used to refer to a private conversation between a buyer or seller.

DP (Down Payment)

The term DP is commonly used to indicate the down payment that must be paid to buy certain goods or products.


Invoice is a bill made by the seller and given to the buyer which contains the total price to be paid.

This invoice usually contains discounts, addresses of sellers and recipients, taxes, and shipping costs.

Want to Sell (WTS)

WTS is often used if a seller wants to offer goods or products, by writing a complete description along with the price of the product.

Sold Out

Maybe you are already familiar with this term? Yes sold out / sold out.

The term that is often used by sellers to inform buyers when the product or goods being sold are sold out.

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Buy 1 Get 1

A term commonly used as a form of product promotion, where buyers can get 1 free item from 1 item they buy.

This means that buyers can get 2 items by paying only 1 product/item.

Flash Sale

This term is used by sellers in the period of selling certain goods at a discount or cheap price.

Flash sales usually take place at certain times which are usually quite short.

That is what check out means and also some terms that you must know when shopping online.

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You can shop for gaming needs cheaply and quickly at VCGamers Marketplace yes!

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