Choose a friend to fight on Free Fire can help FF players reach Booyah in Free Fire more easily. In this article, we will discuss the list of the most frequently used Pets in Free Fire throughout 2021.
Garena Free Fire has many features to help players on the battlefield, one of these features is "Pet". Currently there are 15 Free Fire Pets, each of which has unique skills and is often used by FF players, except for Kitty and Mechanical Pup.
Pets are very useful in the game because they provide skills that can be very useful and also increase the skills of the characters chosen by FF players.
Even though Free Fire Pets have less damage than character skills, they are still very important for FF players to use.
Some of the Free Fire Pets even have unique skills that give them a big advantage in the game. In this article, we will look at the most frequently used Pets in Free Fire throughout 2021.
List of the Most Frequently Used Free Fire Pets
Beaston is a monkey that can help players throw Grenades, Gloo Walls, Flashbangs, Smoke Grenades 30 percent farther. Pet Free Fire is often overlooked because many players don't know the skills of Pet Beaston.
Beaston and Grenade is a combo that will get you lots of free kills without having to spend a single drop of blood. Teaming up Beaston with Alvaro, you'll be a walking nightmare for any enemy that sees you.
Mr. Waggors
Mr. Waggor is the most used Pet Free Fire in 2021 for a good reason. This pet can generate 1 Gloo Wall every 100 seconds if you have less than 2 Gloo Walls.
Basically, it ensures that you'll always have your Gloo Wall with you. In Squad, you can even give Gloo Walls to your teammates, because this pet can produce Gloo Walls continuously.
Although it's now easier to get the Gloo Wall, Mr. Waggor is still one of the most frequently used Pets in Free Fire throughout 2021.
Active skills are often the strongest skills in Free Fire, but most of them have a long cooldown. For Beginner players, the cooldown of your active skill will be reduced by 10 percent, allowing you to use it more often.
Rookie is almost a must-have pet if using characters like Wukong, Chrono, Xayne, because this Pet skill has a very long cooldown.
When you use this one pet, try to do a combination of several skills. Using the 4 skills that Rookie has will give the maximum effect in the battle in FF. However, not all FF characters can get the effect of Rookie.
Also read: List of the 5 Best Free Fire Pets to Bring to the Battlefield
Dreki (Dragon Glare)
Dreki has a skill called 'Dragon Glare'. At its basic level, this skill can see opponents using medkits within a 10 meter radius. The effect only lasts for three seconds.
At level 7 and ability level 3, Dragon Glare can detect enemies using a medkit within a 30 meter radius. The effect only lasts for five seconds.
Dreki's skills can be very useful in clash squad mode when chasing opponents at close range. Dreki's skill makes him the most frequently used Pet in Free Fire throughout 2021.
Detective Panda
This last pet is also one of the most frequently used pets in Free Fire. Detective Panda has a skill called 'Panda's Blessing'. At its base level, this skill can recover four HP per kill. At level 7, Panda's Blessing can recover 10 HP per kill.
This skill is very useful in close range encounters where every HP counts. Her skill can be very useful in close combat as it gives her extra HP with every kill she gets.
Also read: Pet Robo Skill Strengthen Gloo Wall? Here's the Explanation!
Pet Free Fire is sometimes underestimated by some FF players. Maybe some of you don't really know about the uses and skills of the FF Pet.
Of the many FF Pets, above are the most frequently used Pets in Free Fire throughout 2021 which can help you increase your skills in getting Booyah.