The choice between M4A1S vs M4A4 after the CSGO update is certainly a question for CT players who frequently use assault rifles. The reason is, there have been significant changes for the M4A1S after its existence new update.
This time, VCGamers will discuss the differences between the two assault rifles specifically for CT. Come on, see the discussion below!
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M4A1S vs MA4A Recoil Pattern

All weapons in the CSGO game have a different recoil, just like weapons in the real world. Therefore, CSGO players must be able to control the weapon's recoil in order to hit the enemy and get a kill.
In terms of recoil, the M4A1S has a lower recoil rate than the M4A4. This is one of the advantages of the M4A1S weapon which has a silencer.
If you have mastered the relatively easy M4A1S recoil, then you can eliminate enemies and get kills more easily. However, of course, low recoil has its own drawbacks.
This weakness is the damage generated from M4A1S since the latest update. New update CSGO has nerfed the M4A1S weapon, especially in terms of the effectiveness of damage from a long distance.
As we know, M4A4 has greater recoil than M4A1S but still smaller than AK-47. With a fairly high recoil, the M4A4 weapon has greater damage than the M4A1S.
Regarding the difference in damage between M4A4 and M4A1S after the CSGO update, let's discuss it below! Don't miss it!
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Damage M4A1S vs MA4A after Update

There was a nerf to two CSGO weapons in the last update. First, the bullet capacity or magazine now only holds 5 bullets which previously could store up to 10 bullets.
Second, there is a reduction in the range modifier from 0.99 to 0.94 for the assault rifle specifically for CT, namely the M4A1S.
With the reduced range modifier, you will do less damage if you shoot the M4A1S from a considerable distance.
According to CSGOSkins. gg, M4A4 can deal 23, 28, and 24 damage when you shoot at the chest, stomach, and legs. M4A1S deals 26, 33, and 28 damage to the same area.
Even though the damage dealt is greater, there is a range modifier so that the farther you shoot with the M4A1S, the less damage you will give.
Therefore, M4A4 can be an option for greater damage if you fight enemies at long distances.
Apart from damage, the fire rate or rate of shooting speed from M4A4 is also faster. Weapon it could fire 666 rounds per minute, whereas the M4A1S could only fire 600 rounds per minute.
You should also know that M4A1S has a cheaper price, namely $2900, while M4A4 has a price of $3100.
With a lower price, you can set aside the $200 to buy other utilities such as flashbang and smoke.
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Best Assault Rifle for CT

Now that we know the differences between the two rifles, you can choose which weapon is suitable for each gameplay.
For those of you who have role support, then M4A1S might be an option because you can set aside $200 to buy other needs.
Apart from that, you can also use the M4A1S for a closer distance. The recoil that the M4A1S has is also easier for beginners to get used to.
M4A4 will suit players who like to fight enemies from a distance. Not only that, you also have to be adept at controlling the recoil which is greater than the M4A1S.
Thus the discussion regarding the differences between M4A1S vs M4A4 after the latest CSGO update, hope this is useful!
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