COC creator code or Clash of Clans not only available for foreign creators. Several creators in Indonesia also have their own codes.
Vicigers Also at least have seen the creator code page which you can enter in the settings or shop in the game.
For those who don't know, you must be wondering, how does the system work? Is it safe if we input it? Does it only benefit one party?
In this article, the author has prepared facts about the COC creator code and we will discuss it in depth to answer your curiosity.
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COC Creator Code

COC or Clash of Clans, a war strategy game published by Supercell which boomed in 2015, still maintains its existence today.
Not only the game itself, however, content creators who accompany their journey by creating content about Clash of Clans also still have many fans.
Just mention BangSkot and Iwan Clasher, two content creators from Indonesia who have the largest mass base in the Clash of Clans game.
Usually, they will provide various COC creator codes, as well as tips and tricks for playing this strategy game.
The COC creator code itself is a feature in the game as a form of Supercell's appreciation for the Clash of Clans creator content.
Creators who have contributed to the development of the Clash of Clans game by creating content with this game, and interacting with fans will be given a code.
This code is commonly known as the creator code. This can be used by other players to top up gems in the game. Several percent of the profits will be given to the creator whose code is used.
List of COC Creator Codes
There are many creator codes that you can use. Among others are:
- Alvaro845 : alvaro845
- AmieNicole : amie
- Anikilo : anikilo
- Artube Clash : artube
- Ash (CWA) : cwa
- Ash Brawl Stars : ashbs
- Ashtax : ashtax
- BBok TV : bbok
- Beaker's Lab : beak
- BenTimm1 : bt1
- B-rad : brad
- BroCast : brocast
- Bruno Clash : brunoclash
- Captain Ben : cptnben
- CarbonFin Gaming : carbonfin
- Chicken Brawl : chicken
- Chief Pat : Pat
- ChiefAvalon eSports and Gaming : chiefavalon
- Clash Bashing : bash
- Clash Champs : clash champs
- Coltonw83 : coltonw83
- Consty : consty
- CorruptYT : corrupt
- CosmicDuo : cosmo
- DarkBarbarian : wikibarbarian
- Decow do Canal : decow
- DrekzeNN : drekzenn
- ECHO Gaming : echo
- Elchiki : elchiki
- eVe MAXi : maxi
- Hey! Brother : hey brother
- iTzu : itzu
- Jo Jonas : jojans
- Klaus Gaming : clause
- Ladyb : ladyb
- Lex : Lex
- Light Pollux : lightpollux
- Lukas – Brawl Stars : luke
- Malcaide : malcaide
- MOLT : molt
- moretnroyale : morten
- MrMobilefanboy : mbf
- nana : nana : Twitter
- nat : nat : Twitch
- NaxivaGaming : naxiva
- nickatnyte : nyte
- Noobs IMTV : noobs
- NyteOwl : owl
- Orange Juice Gaming : oj
- Ouah Leouff : ouah
- Oyun Gemisi : oyungemis
- Sidekick : sidekick
- Sir Moose Gaming : moose
- SkullCrusher Boom Beach : skullcrusher
- sokingrcq : soking : Twitch
- spAnser : spanser
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There are Indonesian Creators, Here's the Explanation!

From the large list of content creators that have been mentioned, there are two names who come from Indonesia.
Iwan Clasher with the code "iwanclasher" and BangSkot "bangskot" are the two names. You can support it for the progress of the world of Clash of Clans content in Indonesia. As well as reviving his enthusiasm which had been dormant for a long time.
How to Enter COC Creator Code in Ingame
First, access your Clash of Clans game from your cellphone. Then click the settings button in the bottom corner of the screen.
Click "another settings" or "after others" if your game is set to Indonesian. Scroll until you see the "Support Creators" menu and enter the code.
Benefits for Creators and Gamers

In this program, no one is harmed. On the other hand, game creators and players both benefit.
Creators get an appropriate percentage in the buying and selling process, players get discounts on their purchases, and Supercell gets customers.