Heart of Depth is an artifact set that is exclusive to characters using the Hydro element Genshin Impact.
This artifact was released in updates 1.2 coincided with the release of the Dragonspine area along with Blizzard Strayer artifacts.
The number of Hydro characters released recently viz Kamisato Ayato and Yelan making many players ask whether Heart of Depth is suitable for these two characters.
Which characters are suitable for this set? How many sets are suitable for this character?
Vicigers can read more about the results of VCGamers' analysis of characters that are suitable for using Heart of Depth artifacts and how many sets of artifacts the character needs.
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Compatible Characters Use the Heart of Depth Artifact Set

Heart of Depth is one of a collection of 5-star artifact sets in Genshin Impact that you can download farming in the Peak of Vindagnyr domain located in Dragonspine, Mondstadt.
Peak of Vindagnyr is known as the most difficult domain because you have to survive in sub zero climate while fighting the boss in that domain.
Broadly speaking, Heart of Depth will provide bonuses in the form of increasing Hydro DMG and damage of Normal or Charged Attack.
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Heart of Depth Artifact Set Bonus

Before knowing which characters are suitable for using this set of artifacts, it would be better if Vicigers knew about the bonuses that you will get from this Heart of Depth.
2 sets of artifacts will be a bonus form buff elementals Hydro DMG Bonus, which can increase by 15%.
Use of 4 sets or fullset of Heart of Depth can give you a boost bonus damage from Normal Attack and Charged Attack as much as 30%, apart from the bonus 2 sets earlier.
damage will increase after you use an Elemental Skill and lasts for 10 seconds.
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Characters and Recommended Number of Sets Used

From the bonus explanation from Heart of Depth earlier, it can be seen that this artifact is meant for the character Hydro.
Using 4 sets according to VCGamers is suitable for your Hydro character build as DPS.
However, not all VCGamers characters are suitable for you to use fullset from the Heart of Depth artifact set.
VCGamers has tried various Hydro characters that have been released at the time of writing to determine what set of these artifacts is suitable for the character to use.
The following is a recommendation for the number of sets that are suitable for use by characters and also the reasons.
Childe or Tartaglia according to the results of VCGamers' analysis is a suitable character to use 4 sets or 2 sets of Heart of Depth artifacts.
Tartaglia's Elemental Skill Foul Legacy: Raging Tide will change Childe's Normal Attack from attacks range with bow Becomes melee which gives Hydro damage.
Using the 4 set Childe you will get damage which is bigger than this artifact bonus because you will attack more often with Elemental Skills when you make Childe your DPS.
If you aim damage Childe's big Elemental Burst to serve as Burst DPS you can use these 2 sets of artifacts.
VCGamers recommends you use 2 sets of Heart of Depth along with 2 sets of Noblesse Oblige.
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Kamisato Ayato
The second DPS that matches using 4 sets of Heart of Depth is Kamisato Ayato. Just like Childe, Ayato is also suitable for using 4 sets or 2 sets of artifacts.
After VCGamers tried several times, damage Ayato will be more stable in size when you use this set.
Ayato's Normal Attack, Kamisato Art: Hyouka, will get damage buffs greater than this Heart of Depth artifact 4 set bonus.
Maybe the Vicigers are asking, which is better for Ayato using Heart of Depth or Echoes of an Offering?
Echoes of an Offering gives you a chance to earn damage larger, but less stable total size damageits compared using fullset Heart of Depth.
Yelan from VCGamers, it is recommended to use 2 sets of Heart of Depth if you want to make Yelan a DPS.
This is because Yelan's DMG strength is calculated based on total HP so it will be more suitable for you to combine it with the Tenacity of Millelith artifact which gives additional bonus HP.
The use of 4 sets for Yelan was deemed insufficient because the bonuses could not be used optimally.
builds Yelan's DPS will be focused on Elemental Burst and Normal Attack so you rarely use Elemental Skills and rotation skills it will not fit if you use 4 sets.
Sangonomia Kokomi
Kokomi can use 4 sets of Heart of Depth artifacts or 2 sets of artifacts with several notes.
Just like Yelan damage Kokomi is also calculated based on HP. If you want to use 4 sets, stat The HP of the artifacts must be large in total.
VCGamers recommends you use 2 sets of Heart of Depth artifacts along with 2 sets of Tenacity of Millelith.
If you build Xingqiu as your DPS, VCGamers highly recommends using 2 sets of Heart of Depth artifacts along with 2 sets of Noblesse Oblige.
This is because damage Xingqiu's biggest gift is from Elemental Burst, namely Guhua Sword: Raincutter.
So that Xingqiu will be more suitable for you to use as Burst DPS by maximizing it talents Elemental Burst compared to using Elemental Skills.
These are the characters that according to VCGamers are suitable for using the Heart of Depth set. For Barbara, it is possible to use this artifact but feel VCGamers buildit will be harder than that build Barbara as healer.