6 Strengths and Weaknesses of Hayabusa Mobile Legends, Don't Just Top Lane Gaspol Again!

hayabusa mobile legends cover

Hayabusa Mobile Legends indeed not as famous as Edith, Clint, Beatrix and Yin di seasons 23 this. However, player Many ML still use it for solo lane because skills-his.

Default state heroes this agile ninja is allocated a lot to parameters speedher, that's fine movement speed or attack speed. Because of this Hayabusa is often used heroes who can patrol lanes team and opponent.

Besides the advantages of speedWith that, Hayabusa is also not spared from defects. Mistakes by Hayabusa users are usually too forward to be surrounded by heroes opponent.

Though heroes This ninja is very agile, but will be helpless if he is surrounded by heroes with burst damage skills high or CC. As a result, Hayabusa was successfully slaughtered by the opponent.

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In order not to be like that, this article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Hayabusa Mobile Legends so that you can make better use of it skillset and gameplay-his.

6 Advantages of Hayabusa Mobile Legends

Agile And Hard To Chase

hayabusa mobile legends agile

As a Ninja who is Kagura's lover and Hanabi's childhood friend, Hayabusa is certainly equipped with abilities stealth tall one. Stealth Hayabusa originates from speedits amazing.

In early game, Hayabusa often becomes roamer heroes who like poke and even first blood by using skills Its 1 and 2 can attack and kill opponents slowly.

Hayabusa will also be a mainstay poke in early game especially when the opponent plays tactics hyper carry. You can inhibit cores fight you with Hayabusa and his speed.

Don't worry about Hayabusa getting hit back heroes opponent, because with skills 2 is like skills 2 Clint and ultimate Lylia. At least, Hayabusa Mobile Legends will be safe from pursuit cores opponent.

The expert Blink Skills

Heroes Hayabusa Mobile Legends will rely a lot skills 2 for first blood or kill heroes opponent chasing him.

You must first understand how to use it skills 2 this Hayabusa, because there will be two types of effects according to upgrades which is available.

hayabusa mobile legends blink skills

At first you use skills 2 Hayabusa, you can only dash and produces as many as 4 shadows. dash This will be useful when youupgrades skills 2 so that it can be used for a combination of attacks or escape and speed up its movement.

If you already understand how it works skills 2, you can also customize timings follow-up attacks, that is skills 1 Hayabusa and basic attacks-his. Effect skills 2 will also reduce CD skills 1 so you can pair combinations skills 1 and 2 when attacking an opponent or jungling.

This combination makes Hayabusa as heroes which is still popularly used in ranked although not the main choice of the player veterans again.

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Have Stack Skills The Terrible

Hayabusa in Mobile Legends is also one of them heroes the one that can stack, especially for stack physical damage.

hayabusa mobile legends stack skills

Procedure stack Hayabusa is almost the same as Brody and Selena, and you can see the indicators stack Hayabusa over the head of each opponent or creeps who was hit by the attack.

Hayabusa will mark the opponent with shadow marksher, which will last for 6 seconds and you can stack up to 4 times. When Hayabusa attacks the hit opponent stack that, there is a bonus damage with a total of 20% which strengthens skills, ultimate or basic attacks-his.

Usually, player experience will benefit a lot skills 1 to collect stack because it can maintain a safe distance and is quite practical to use.

Combination attacks skills 1 and 2 as well skills Hayabusa's passive can enlarge burstdamageits on mid and late game.

The expert is Bantai Creeps And Turtles

Hayabusa Mobile Legends will be an important asset to fight against Turtles when your team is busy hindering the movement of the opposing team. Hayabusa can beat Turtles with skills-his.

The reason, Hayabusa is heroes specialist jungler which is effective for assorted combos creeps and can dominate buff red and blue at once.

hayabusa mobile legends kill turtle

Distance between buff red and blue far enough, but Hayabusa as heroes the one that can roaming also can quickly headed buff certain and even while kill moderate opponent jungling also.

This is also reinforced by movement speedher and also blink skillsthat can move Hayabusa in four directions.

When the focus is on attack Turtles, Hayabusa can anticipate the opponent's attack with skills The 2 is to move backwards or attack your opponent. skills You can also use 1 to attack your opponent from behind a wall.

Moment jungling and there are opponents trying to annoy Hayabusa, you can also use combos skills so that the opponent immediately takes a thousand steps.

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Producer Burst Damage Which GG

hayabusa mobile legends burst damage

Apart from the combination skills 1 and 2, Hayabusa Mobile Legends can also be a producer burstdamage from ultimatewhich will hurt even more if the opponent has been "marked" by stack-his.

Before launching ultimate skill Hayabusa, you can start with poke opponent uses skills 1, followed by skills 2 and direct ultimate. Hayabusa will automatically lock the target to the opponent with shadow marks.

You can go right away too teleport to one of Hayabusa's shadows to blur or blink attack with skills 2 more. Burst damageit will hurt even more if you manage to continue attacking.

Make sure you always take advantage of the combination skills 1, 2 and ultimate This is so that your opponent can be defeated quickly. At least, they also don't dare to continue attacking your team.

Can Crush Opponents At Once War

hayabusa mobile legends slay the opponent

Hayabusa's combination attacks skills 1, 2 and ultimate it will be very useful to quell the many opponents that gather at the moment war in lanes anywhere.

Usually, Hayabusa likes to "enliven" war in midlane because it's closer to jungle. If you use Hayabusa, you can also be a little "cheeky" with spam skills 1 or lure opponent with skills its 2.

When Hayabusa got to the place war, take advantage of the combination skills 2nd and ultimate to attack the opponent while keeping a safe distance.

Hayabusa will greatly benefit from his shadows so that he can move more freely and stay away from opponents who use him AoE.

Even so, you also have to play agile and fast to move towards the shadows that are lonely from heroes opponent. If they chase you, bait them in your direction turret while using skills the 1st.

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6 Weaknesses of Hayabusa Mobile Legends

Not Roaming, Not OP

hayabusa mobile legends less op

Playing Hayabusa Mobile Legends will be demanding playerto diligently patrol the team and opponent areas. If you as a Hayabusa user don't patrol, get ready to be attacked by your opponent.

Without roaming while killing minions or creeps for speed buff, Hayabusa will only be feeders just for the opponent because they don't have one skills good hold.

What you should pay attention to when roaming also is Hayabusa's position. Always make sure skills 2 is used in the right place so you can escape to a shadow that is far from the reach of your opponent.

Easy Hit ganking

hayabusa mobile legends is vulnerable to ganking

Heroes This ninja is also very vulnerable to ganking because MOBILE PHONEits not that thick tankers. As a Hayabusa user, you must be able to outsmart this shortcoming by not going too far into your opponent's area.

Even though Hayabusa has speed which is okay in the beginning matches, the opponent will also definitely look for loopholes from your carelessness so you can ganking Hayabusa.

This is exacerbated if, for example, the opponent uses heroes like Khufra, Lesley, Franco or Yve. Heroesheroes it has MOBILE PHONE and a good attack range so you have to quickly get away from them (and heroes with an attack type or similar status heroes the).

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Need a lot Jungling In Early Game

hayabusa mobile legends jungling all the time

Hayabusa Mobile Legends strength almost depends on how much buff in the arena he owns. The more he farming buff, the better the attack and damage-his.

However, if you are lazy jungling, don't expect Hayabusa to be heroes turn off on midgame. Although you can upgrading skills Hayabusa and buy items that fits her, without buff red and blue Hayabusa is nothing, especially in the presence of Estes, Nana or Harley.

Keep in mind that Hayabusa has beenrevamp by Moonton so use whereit gets bigger and you can't be careless spam skills.

Therefore, Hayabusa really needs it jungling to make up for this shortcoming.

scatter Where After Revamp

where does hayabusa mobile legends go?

Before revamp, you can almost any time spam skills 1 and 2 to attack the opponent or jungling. But after revamp, use where Hayabusa is getting taller.

If you do not anticipate this by buying items save or add where, Hayabusa will not be able to be played properly.

This is exacerbated if you run out where when using combo skills 1, 2 or ultimate. What is there, Hayabusa will be slaughtered by the opponent and hinder both your team's defense attacks.

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Wrong Bring Items, Hayabusa So Feeders Opponent

hayabusa mobile legends is vulnerable to being a feeder

Hayabusa Mobile Legends also needs to bebuild with items right so skillsetit can be more effective and efficient. Battle spells Retribution will also be a Hayabusa subscription to take with you when matches.

If you get it wrong items, or more priority items adder damage only without saving where, Hayabusa can not much spam skills as usual.

Because Hayabusa relies heavily on speed and damage stackits for bursts, you must always remember to bring Magic Shoes, Blade of Despair, Malefic Roar so damageit hurts more.

Not Suitable For Slow Hand Player

Hayabusa Mobile Legends is hard to master

Because of the source damage Hayabusa originates from skills 2, you must be able to master and anticipate the direction of Hayabusa's shadow for blink or attack your opponent.

For the player beginners, Hayabusa is one of them heroes which has complicated mechanics that take time to master gameplay-his.

If you immediately play stepping using Hayabusa let alone ranked, you will definitely become material bullying both the team and the opponent because they can't use Hayabusa properly.

You need to train your hand speed in order to master skill combos 2, 1 and ultimate so it could be jungler or offlaner your team.

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Those are the advantages and disadvantages of Hayabusa Mobile Legends that you have to keep in mind carefully so you don't use it carelessly, especially in top lane. Take advantage of the advantages and anticipate the shortcomings of this Kagura lover so that it doesn't hinder your team at the moment matches.

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