Genius Invocation TCG (Trading Card Game) is games permanent card presented Genshin Impact on this 3.3 update.
Previously, TCG Genshin Impact announced attendance by developers on the Special program 3.0 yesterday and can only be played on update 3.3 this latest.
Similar to other TCG card games such as Pokemon, Yugi Oh, or Vanguard, Genshin Impact also presents new mechanics and rules that are no less interesting.
What is the TCG Genshin Impact game like? Check out the next explanation from VCGamers News!
Genius Invocation TCG Genshin Impact
Terms of Playing TCG Genshin Impact

In order for you to be able to play TCG Genshin Impact, there are several requirements that your account must fulfill.
First, an account that has a minimum Adventure Rank (AR) of at least 32 and has passed Ascension World Level 1.
The second thing is that you have completed Archon Quest Prologue Chapter: Act III – Song of the Dragon and Freedom –
Also Read: Summary of the Genshin Impact Update 3.3 Special Program
How to Play TCG Genshin Impact

When you start playing this card game, you will get a quest that leads you to Cat's Tail Bar, Mondstadt.
Broadly speaking, you will play card games against the NPCs in Cat's Tail and scattered throughout Teyvat in PvE (Player vs Environment). You can play if you already have the Casket of Tomes Deck.
Players can also play with fellow players in PvP (Player vs Player) but will not get certain rewards that are obtained from fighting NPCs.
The rewards obtained are Lucky Coin and Player Experience. Lucky Coin is a currency used to buy various player needs such as support cards and dynamic skins.
Player Experience is similar to Adventure Experience Rank. The higher your Player Experience, the more likely you are to fight difficult enemies or gain other advantages.
Card Playing System

The way to play is that you will have character cards, cards support, and dice. The rule is that you have to beat all the existing character cards first, whoever is quick wins the game.
Character cards are cards that are used to attack each other. Character cards can be character cards that you usually play like Jean, Diluc, Ayaka, etc.
However, character cards can also be monsters that you usually fight. There is Fatui. Lawacurl, Hilicurl, Rhodeia and so on.
You can choose 3 character cards that you can play. This is similar to character selection in party Genshin Impact. Each card will have 10 HP and will run out when hit by an attack depending on the damage received.
You can choose a team with characters that have elemental resonance or can cause elemental reactions. The way to attack using character cards is exactly the same as when you use characters to attack.
Each card will be able to perform Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst. You can attack if you have elemental dice that match the number of attacks required.
For example, Bennett will require 2 Pyro dice to attack with Elemental Skills. All characters will need a different number of elemental dice depending on the attack and character card.

Apart from dice, Elemental Burst attacks generally require energy which you get from every time a card attacks.
For example, Bennett will be able to use Elemental Burst if Bennett's card already has 2 energy and you have 4 Pyro dice.
Every attack and turn, you will use elemental dice. There are 8 elements namely Pyro, Cryo, Electro, Geo, Dendro. Anemo, Hydro, and Omni (can substitute for any element dice).
You can change the dice you need at the start of each round. If you need a certain elemental dice, you can swap cards support by swapping the elements from the element dice you need.
Card support as the name implies is a card that is used to strengthen, restore HP, give energy, and so on.
The way to use it is if it's a weapon card, artifact, food, you can do it right away drag to the character card. For cards support others you can drag to the left.
Also Read: Faruzan Genshin Impact Build: Skills, Artifacts, Weapons, and Team Comps
How to Get Character Cards and Support Cards

At the beginning of playing you will be equipped with 3 character cards namely Diluc, Kaeya, and Sucrose. And you will also be given some basic support cards.
You can get various card variants in various ways to get them. First, you can fight several NPCs to get certain support cards.
You can also buy it at Cat's Tail by talking to Prince and selecting the Commodities menu.
The way to pay is to use Lucky Coin. You will get Lucky Coin if you win matches with NPCs in PvE.
Character cards have 2 ways to get them. You can get character cards from playable characters by inviting characters to do matches.
The trick is to send a match invitation on the Invite character menu. When you win a match, you manage to get that character.
You can get monster character cards from doing the Tavern Challenge. You will do this challenge by fighting Prince with different levels of difficulty.

How exciting isn't this TCG Genshin Impact game? So, you can fulfill your various needs for Genshin Impact, starting from Crystal Genesis by buying it from a trusted source, namely VCGamers Marketplace!